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Entrevista A Tommy Tallarico

Iniciado por Guybrush Threepwood, 07 de Febrero de 2004, 08:37:00 PM

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Guybrush Threepwood

 La copio desde;f=30;t=000054 hasta aqui para que os sea más cómodo

Disfrutad y practicar vuestro inglés! ;)

1) Hey Tommy! Thanks for doing this interview! So, where can I get a G4 TOMMY TALLARICO action figure?

2) What big projects do you have cooking?

3) Any new music technology you are really excited about these days?

4) Whoa! Reading that list of accomplishments is exhausting! I would like to know how long had you been making music before you got into game music. Also how did you get into doing game music?

5) What are the most important aspects to strive for if you want to become a game composer?

6) Where do you find the extra hours in the day to do all that you do?

7) What kind of gear are you running in your home studio now?

8) Do you ever compose for yourself now?

9) Why do you like to wear all black like me? - Ashif Hakik

10) What happened to the gold jacket?

11) Tommy, if there were no such thing as video games with music what would you compose music for?

12) Do you feel sometimes you're stuck experiencing music as something that always goes with pictures or are you able to experience music independently?

13) Do you think as technology and bandwidth improves for games that composers can pay less heed to technical limitations?

14) What do you think of OneUp Studios and what they're trying to do? "Respect and Recognition for game music in America?" Do you think this is a worthwhile goal?

15) Do you have anything you can elaborate on in regard to GANGS future?

16) Do you think that one day, each game title might have a "GANG APPROVED AUDIO CONTENT" sticker on the box?

17) Care to share any negotiating strategies or secrets? It can be like pulling teeth to get any budget from some producing companies. Are they just full of it? I have heard that you bypass the producers or developers and go to the top and get a good budget for the music, or something along that line. Most of us can all compose decent music but you seem to be the ONLY ONE who is able to make a sizable fortune at it and nail down the gigs. Do you dare share how it's done?

18) Out of all of the games you have written music for, which one would you consider to be your favorite?

19) Network television execs are wondering why they're losing the young 20-something-male audience and they suggest it might even be because of video games! Games are now a $20 billion dollar business. I know from my own experiences that a good software engineer gets $100,000 per year plus bennies. (I know from first hand experience that composers and sound designers have to be as computer literate as an engineer, and way more than producers and marketing dudes.) It seems that composers and sound designers are not getting the same respect as engineers, producers and others. What do you think?

20) With all of your success in the industry, do you still have to present a demo reel to potential clients? Could you share your philosophy for producing demos, and any helpful tricks?

21) Do you believe that your success in the games industry is due to your talent in composing and sound design, or your talent as a businessman?

22) When did you first start composing, and on which instrument? What differentiates your work from others?

23) What is your first starting point for creating a new score? Could you walk us through a quick example of your workflow from song idea to final recording?

24) What plug-ins or tools do you use to master your productions? When you are mastering a song, do you use a lot of compression? What compressors do you use? Do you add reverb when mastering?

25) Are you primarily a PC or Mac user? Why?

26) Do you have any audio engineering experience with live orchestras?

27) What's the most popular video game you have written music for? What's the least popular game you did music for?

28) What do you do for inspiration before tackling a project? Do you do some listening or reading?

29) When writing, do you ever reach a dead-end and throw out material then either re-edit or start over?

30) Do you have a backlog of unused music?

31) For me, the hardest part of a project is getting started. Do you ever suffer writers block, and if/when you do, how do you escape its clutches?

32) How has sampling, sequencing and other music technology affected your composition and arranging techniques?

33) What is your primary focus these days? Making music or business?

34) Do you have any helpful information to anyone trying to get to where you are now?

35) Concluding comments.


  - quien es este tio?
- podrian poner lsa respuestas en texto tb XD
Manuel F. Lara
Descargar juegos indie  - blog sobre juegos indie y casual
El Desarrollo  - blog sobre productividad, motivación y espíritu emprendedor


 En la pregunta:
27) What's the most popular video game you have written music for? What's the least popular game you did music for?

Se citan juegos como Tony Hawks(sound designer), Aladdin y Earth Worm Jim(estos dos últimos son de David Perry para la mega-drive, grandes juegos de mi época :D ). Tambien nombra los míticos Unreal y Mortal Kombat(version?).

O sea, este tio es una maquina  (uoh)


Gracias por avisar de la entrevista. Dice cosas bastante interesantes y resalta palabras clave como 'networking' y  'location'. También me ha hecho gracia lo de que duerme tan sólo 4 horas. Un fiera el tipo, vamos.

Por cierto, ¿sabéis algo de cómo funciona la organización esa de audiogang?. Por lo que he podido leer otras veces en su web parece interesante. ¿Habéis oido algún comentario de la gente (estudiantes, no de los maestros :P) que pertenece a ella?

Un saludo


 Para quien no sepa quién es Tommy, echad un vistazo a su web:

Por ahí está su biografia que puede resultar muy interesante a algunos (es un tio que se lo ha tenido que currar mucho para llegar a ser alguien) La mayoría de cosas en su web no funcionan, pero para que veais que lo de este hombre es amor por los videojuegos, echad un ojo a su "Virtual House Tour" (también vereis que el hombre se gana la vida no mal del todo) Eso sí, no sé si chutará en exploradores que no sean IE:

Aunque no lo parezca, es un videojuego, teneis que encontrar la combinación de su caja fuerte y el lugar donde la guarda y abrirla. Aunque no está terminado, falta el final <_<


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