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Mensajes - luckymutt

Jad Engine / Trouble Starting
27 de Febrero de 2006, 04:22:50 AM
 Why can't I run the examples?
I have .NET 2.0 installed (along with Visual Studio Standard edition)
and just last night I downloaded and installed the latest DXSDK and runtime (February 2006)

But when I try and run the examples, nothing happens. No error or debug window. Nothing happens at all.
I don't see any errors in the log.html.
The NoiseEditor.exe, Converter.exe and Interpolator.exe all work fine.
My graphics card is a GeForce4
Am I missing something?

Jad Engine / Hola!
26 de Febrero de 2006, 07:22:50 AM
 I just found the Haddd engine from a post on and I have a couple general questions.

1. About these forums - Is the discussion for the engine only in Stratos AD->Proyectos->MotorC# ?
and the other boards are for other things?

2. About Haddd - how new is this engine?

3. What kind of frame rates can Haddd put out? It depends on the hardware, I know, but maybe someone can post some preformace and their machines specs? Just to get an idea?

A bit about me:
I have been programming with C++ for a few years now, and have recently been checking out C#
Also, for the past year or so, I have been working with the Irrlicht engine, so I am not new to game programming.
Irrlicht has a C# wrapper, but when I saw Haddd being entirely C#, I really want to try it out.

También, puedo aprender quizá mejor Español ;)


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