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Proyectos => Jad Engine => Mensaje iniciado por: segafan en 21 de Febrero de 2006, 12:31:01 PM

Título: The Museum & Technological Demo Source
Publicado por: segafan en 21 de Febrero de 2006, 12:31:01 PM
i want ask you, if would be possible download source of The Museum or Technological Demo (or both :)?
Título: The Museum & Technological Demo Source
Publicado por: Haddd en 21 de Febrero de 2006, 12:43:26 PM
 this was made with old engine versions. We have the code, of course, but this will not compile with the actual release.

But all the features you can see on the demos are explained on the tutorials. Take a deep look on them... ;)  
Título: The Museum & Technological Demo Source
Publicado por: segafan en 21 de Febrero de 2006, 04:02:48 PM
 Yes i know, but i only would like see how manage "bigger" project (many objects, lights, animated camera - that all in one project)
Título: The Museum & Technological Demo Source
Publicado por: Haddd en 21 de Febrero de 2006, 04:26:44 PM
 believe me, this is not an example of good coding... :(

This video is not real time captured, so you can add a lot of effects...

We hope that when we develop the portals tech, we can do all on real time.
Título: The Museum & Technological Demo Source
Publicado por: segafan en 21 de Febrero de 2006, 04:44:14 PM
 Oh, i see  :D
Thanks for sufferance ;)