Sweet! I'll look it over soon! Ty
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CRM32Pro / Re:Hello Again
22 de Marzo de 2013, 04:08:02 AM
Hello again! I'm good! Don't worry.
Hope you get on your game.
I found a bug in the v5.21 console, if you use press any key that is non-character or whitespace, it crashes. :|
lol. Anyway, let me know!
Hope you get on your game.
I found a bug in the v5.21 console, if you use press any key that is non-character or whitespace, it crashes. :|
lol. Anyway, let me know!
CRM32Pro / Re: Hello Again
10 de Marzo de 2013, 03:16:12 PM
Hey Azazel, this is Mike again! New name.
Sorry I didn't reply, life got in the way again.. Anyway, that project was lost a long time ago. Sad.
However I have been working on various projects using CRM32Pro.. Maybe something will crop it that shows promise.
Oh and about the forum question to post, this question: "¿Cuántos cerebros tienes? (en número):"
It should have a translation for non-spanish languages shouldn't it?
The forums make it very difficult for english-only people to use, especially without an account (no option to change language except in user profile options..) Might stop some english-only people from joining/posting.. *shrug*
Sorry I didn't reply, life got in the way again.. Anyway, that project was lost a long time ago. Sad.
However I have been working on various projects using CRM32Pro.. Maybe something will crop it that shows promise.
Oh and about the forum question to post, this question: "¿Cuántos cerebros tienes? (en número):"
It should have a translation for non-spanish languages shouldn't it?
The forums make it very difficult for english-only people to use, especially without an account (no option to change language except in user profile options..) Might stop some english-only people from joining/posting.. *shrug*