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Mensajes - yosha79

CRM32Pro / Beginner needs Help
13 de Junio de 2007, 12:01:49 PM
Well finally !!!

After updating from 4.95 to 4.97 I still had the same Problems loading Fonts. But the Programs compile and work, if i put the *.dll files in the directory where the Project is. I thought Dev-CPP has them in its /dll/*.dll but it doesn't work, at least for me.

So, it was probably a "misconfiguration with directories" error.

Thank you for the Help


(BTW: Do you know how hard it is for a german to register to this forum when he doesnt speak spanish  :lol: )
CRM32Pro / Beginner needs Help
13 de Junio de 2007, 01:29:09 AM
Hello Azazel,

thank you for your fast reply. I gues both Problems my come from wrong Version. I will check this out tomorrow. As I said, I included the FVerve Font from Pong to my own dsp and tried to load it, but it didn't worked. If fFont->Load("Verve.bmp") it works.

I used (I think) the Version 4.95 which I got from the Dev-CPP Packaga / Update Manager, but I will try the 4.97 out tomorrow and tell you how it goes.

Thanx again

CRM32Pro / Beginner needs Help
12 de Junio de 2007, 08:55:43 PM

i experiemnted a lot with the CRM32Pro but I still got some Problems.
I tried to load a font over the DPF-File but the Program says that their is no font with that name.
So I played around a bit:
  fFont->Create  ( "gfx/FVerde.bmp");    // THIS WORKS
I tripple checked the GFX_RESOURCE  and it is the right file, the font is also there... and I can load Images (BMP) from it.

So I tried the Example files. If I use the compiled binary files, i get no errors, but when I am compiling them by myself I get a lot of erros in the log file.
Heres the output from the GUI-Example:
· Example 3: GUI

· Executing at Tue Jun 12 20:38:40 2007
· Running on INTEL processor - Pentium 4(Northwood) - MMX - SSE
· Selected 'P4 Northwood' optimized code path.

· CRM32Pro successfully initiated.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(868,'TILB','MyButton_n')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(869,'TILB','MyButton_p')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(870,'TILB','MyButton_o')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(871,'TILB','MyButton_s')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IButton->Create(0x22fc9c,'MyButton',0,'data/gfx.dpf')] Error: we could not find valid tiles for this kind of button.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(873,'TILB','MyCheck_n')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(874,'TILB','MyCheck_p')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(875,'TILB','MyCheck_o')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IButton->Create(0x22fc9c,'MyCheck',0,'data/gfx.dpf')] Error: we could not find valid tiles for this kind of button.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(877,'TILB','MySlider_n')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(878,'TILB','MySlider_p')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(879,'TILB','MySlider_o')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IButton->Create(0x22fc9c,'MySlider',0,'data/gfx.dpf')] Error: we could not find valid tiles for this kind of button.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(881,'TILB','MyInput_n')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(882,'TILB','MyInput_p')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(883,'TILB','MyInput_o')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [IButton->Create(0x22fc9c,'MyInput',0,'data/gfx.dpf')] Error: we could not find valid tiles for this kind of button.
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(884,'FONT','MyFont')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [CFont::Load(data/gfx.dpf,MyFont)] Error: font not found
· [IStuffDPF->LoadBlock(885,'FONT','InputFont')] Warning: datablock was not found in the given DPF.
· [CFont::Load(data/gfx.dpf,InputFont)] Error: font not found

So, what do I do wrong? What did I forget? I could really use some help here :-)

Oh, by the way: I am using Dev-CPP with te following linker-options:

Hope that helps.

Thank you in advance,
