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Mensajes - forgetmeet

General Programadores / Re:Sobre pasar por referencia en c#
23 de Julio de 2024, 10:25:58 AM
Hi there!

In C#, data types are either reference types or value types. Reference types store a reference to the actual data in memory, whereas value types store the actual data directly in their own memory space.

Take primitives like int, float, double, and char for instance—they're value types. When you pass a value type to a method, it gets passed by value. This means the method works with a copy of the original value. So, any changes you make to the parameter inside the method won't affect the original variable outside the method.

Hope that makes things clearer!
Pymes y autónomos / Re:Flotador para emprendedores (I)
23 de Julio de 2024, 10:22:34 AM
Welcome to the forum! I've been in a similar situation and found a few things helpful. For tax advice, consider consulting a local accountant who specializes in freelancers. Check government sites and local business centers for grants and subsidies. Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo are great for crowdfunding, with best practices like clear descriptions and engaging videos. Online courses in digital marketing on sites like Coursera can boost your marketing skills. For legal texts, a lawyer specializing in business law can be invaluable. Forums like this, networking with other entrepreneurs, and joining local business groups can provide the guidance you need. Good luck with your projects!

slice masters   

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