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Mensajes - nicolas2009alcubo

Ese programa Scrolling Game Development Kit es conocido. Si hay muchos juegos de plataformas sidescrollers que se descargan en la red hechos con esa herramienta (Algunos son tipo esos juegos de Sega Genesis, como Sonic, Mr. Nutz, etc.)
Es bastante famoso ese programa, lástima que no lo comprendo..
Yo no sé programar, pero me encontré con un programita que se llama Scrolling Game Development Kit (O GameDev en su forma más corta de nombrarlo). ¿Alguien lo probó?. Creo que los juegos que podemos armar con esto son juegos de tipo "Sidescrollers"m o sea juegos con los escenarios grandes sin escribir código (Tiene un lenguaje de scripting, pero según dicen que se puede llegar a armar un juego completito sin escribir nada de código).
Mi problema es que no lo comprendo, ya que está todo en inglés y no hay ninguna página en castellano que nos enseñe a usar esa herramienta. He podido seguir a duras penas el tutorial "Quick Start Tutorial" que nos enseña a hacer un mini ejemplo de un círculo relleno rojo que se puede desplazar en un laberinto con paredes blancas. Seguí uno por uno los pasos que ahí se indicaban, pero no entiendo qué significa cada paso (Por qué hay que hacer tales pasos, para qué hacer esto, para qué hacer lo otro.
Les transcribo el tutorial del programa (Ustedes descargue el programita y sigan los pasos, si en el google ustedes colocan "scrolling game development kit" ya les aparece la paginita de dónde descargar ese soft). Bueno, el tutorial:

The Scrolling Game Development Kit ("GameDev")
Quick Start Tutorial
Written by Benjamin Marty
January 21, 2001

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate the bare minimum required
to create a fully functional game in GameDev.  The idea is to show that
it is, in fact, relatively simple to create a simple game once one is
familiar with the tool.  Many steps are listed here, but they are all
very simple, listing every individual click of the mouse and entry from
the keyboard.  While this may still look like a lot of work for a
"bare minimum", realize that this "bare minimum" is still a fairly
complex game because GameDev was designed for creating fairly complex
scrolling games.  Once you reach the "bare minimum" level of
functionality, expanding on this is easier, after becoming familiar with
all the pieces required to get *something* working.  Don't forget, F1
from any dialog brings up a relavent help window.

If you complete this tutorial and are hungry for something beyond the
bare minimum, follow through the complete tutorial available in
GameDev's help menu.  Visit the web site or feel free to contact me
about any questions that may arise (see top of document for addresses).

Note: You can either print this tutorial or use Alt-Tab when you need
to switch between the full screen editors and the quick tutotial.

1. Create a tileset
   1a. Select "Tilesets" from the view menu.
   1b. Enter a name for the tileset; in the name field type "Wall".
   1c. Click the Create button.
   1d. Select the third color from the end of the first row in the
       palette (white).
   1e. Click the floodfill button.
   1f. Click on the grid representing the current tile to fill it white.
   1g. Click the ">" button to move to the second slot in the tileset.
   1h. Click the Store button to save the image into the tileset.
   1i. Click the Clear button to clear the current image.
   1j. Click the "Solid Ellipse" button.
   1k. Select the first color from the palette (red).
   1l. Drag from the top left to the bottom right of the grid
       to draw a solid ellipse.
   1m. Click the ">" button to select the next available tile slot.
   1n. Click "store" to save the "red ball" into the tileset.
   1o. Click the Close button to exit the tileset editor.
   1p. Click the Close button on the "Edit Tilesets" dialog.

2. Create a map.
   2a. Select "Maps" from the View menu.
   2b. In the "Map Name" field, enter "Test"
   2c. Enter 0, 0, 640, 480 in the Left, Top, Width and Height fields
       respectively, in the "Map Display" frame.
   2d. After "Map size in pixels" enter 2048 for Width and Height.
   2e. Click the new map button.
   2f. In the "Layer Name" field, enter "Main"
   2g. Select "Wall" from the "Tileset" dropdown.
   2h. Enter 1 into "X Scroll Rate" and "Y Scroll Rate"
   2i. Select "Test" from the "Maps" list.
   2j. Click the "New Layer" button.
   2k. Select "Main" in the "Map Layers" list.
   2l. Click the "Edit" button.
   2m. Hold the right mouse button, move to "Maze", move over "Normal"
       and release the button.  (This is how menus work here.)
   2n. Move the mouse to the top left corner, hold the left button
       and drag to the bottom right corner; wait for the map to scroll
       all the way down (until the numbers stop changing) and release.
   2o. The screen will become white; move the mouse to the top left
       corner and wait for the map to scroll all the way back up.
       By the time you get there there should be a complete maze.
   2p. Hold the right mouse button and, from the "Paths" menu, select
       "New Path"
   2q. Enter "Start" as the path name and press Enter.
   2r. Locate a blank (black) tile that is surrounded by black tiles on
       all sides; left click the mouse once in this tile.
   2s. Right-click to terminate the path after setting that first point.
   2t. Press Escape (or select menu "Close") to exit the map editor.
   2u. Close the "Edit Maps" dialog.

3. Define solid tiles.
   3a. Select "Tile Categories" from the View Menu.
   3b. Select "Wall" from the "Tileset" dropdown.
   3c. Type "SolidWall" into "Current Category"
   3d. Drag the image of the white block into "Tiles in this category".
   3e. Enter "Walls" into "Solidity Definition Name".
   3f. Select "SolidWall" from the "Solid tile category" dropdown.
   3g. Click the "Save" button.
   3h. Close the dialog.

4. Create a sprite.
   4a. Select "Sprites and Paths" from the view menu.
   4b. Select "start" from the "Paths" list.
   4c. Enter "Player" in the "Name" field under "Sprite definitions".
   4d. Enter "Ball" into the "Template" field.
   4e. Check the "Initial instance" box.
   4f. On the "Frames" tab, select "Single" from the "States" dropdown.
   4g. Select "Wall" from the "Tileset" dropdown.
   4h. Drag the image of the red ball into the "State preview" box.
   4j. Click on the "Motion" tab.
   4k. Select "Walls" from the "Solid tiles" dropdown.
   4l. Select "Input device" from the "Controlled by" dropdown.
   4m. Drag the "Movement Speed" slider to the right.
   4n. Click the "Create Sprite" button at the top right.
   4o. Close the dialog.

5. Set the startup map and player sprite.
   5a. Select "Player settings" from the "View" menu.
   5b. Select "Test" from the "Start on Map" dropdown.
   5c. Click OK.
   5d. Select "Maps" from the "View" menu.
   5e. Select "Test" from the "Maps" list.
   5f. Click the "Player Interaction" tab.
   5g. Select "Player" from the "Player sprite" dropdown.
   5h. Close the dialog.

Done.  To play the game, select "Play" from the "File" menu.
Use the arrow keys to move the orange ball.
Press 'Q' or Escape to quit.

Si lograra comprender esos pasos tal vez logre hacer juegos de plataformas, que es lo que deseo lograr con el (Ya hacer por ejemplo que el círculo pueda "caer", "saltar", que cuando lo toque un enemigo pierda, etc).
Espero sus valiosas ayudas amigos
Nicolás Matías Funtalas de Buenos Aires, Bella Vista, Argentina

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Muchísimas gracias.