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Review De Domain 2.1 En Boomtown

Iniciado por Guybrush Threepwood, 08 de Octubre de 2004, 03:11:55 PM

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Guybrush Threepwood

CitarDomain 2049 2.1EC

Domain 2049 is a modification set in a not so distant future, in the year 2049 to be more precise - hence the name. Corporations have taken over and governments are banned. Under a single global government, the United States of Earth, national identity has fallen by the wayside for all but a few remaining 'rogue states'. But not everyone is happy with this new situation and organised cells of guerrilla fighters lead raids on USE structures, attempting to undermine the all-pervading control of the totalitarian state, to spread word of hope to the people that one day a new freedom could exist. This is of course a nice setting for some good action, so let's take a look at the mod itself.

Domain 2049's gameplay is objective-oriented with a major focus on strategic team play, while still keeping the action very intensive. The maps contain several objectives that need to be completed in order to win the match. Most of the time, you can choose the order in which you complete these objectives, but keep in mind that you might get yourself in a nasty position if you don't take care of the more important ones first. You need to cover each other's backs, because there can be several attack routes. Good communication is essential if you want to be successful.

The weapons might seem a bit simplistic at first, but they are very well balanced, something you don't notice in a lot of other modification.

The graphics are good, especially in the latest version (the 2.1 Editor's Choice edition that is included in the Unreal Tournament 2004: Editor's Choice edition) which has had a major overhaul compared to 1.6. The weapon and player models have been revamped and several new maps were added. The sounds are also nicely done and the music is very good and fits the Domain 2049 setting very well.

The latest Domain 2049 incarnation has come a long way since the first release for Unreal Tournament 2003 and is definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of science fiction shooters.
Vamos, que gráficamente ha mejorado enormemente gracias a dédalo y a kubrik. Es que sois unos monstruos ;)


 Joder, esa especie de dragones están wapisimos. Todo muy cool.

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