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Mesh Issues

Iniciado por auron, 02 de Febrero de 2006, 03:54:46 PM

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 I was playing around with the loading/creation of meshes and I realised that all the loading is done before Haddd.Begin()

It was possible for me to load or create the mesh after I called Begin() but the problem was that it wasn't affected by the lights created before it and had some clipping issues as well. Is this a problem?

Another thing I'd like to find out... In the tank tutorial, after loading the tank mesh, I can't get the reference of its mesh by its name but if I go by index, like Haddd.Scene.MeshObjects[0].RotateStepX(), it only rotates a part of the tank. Is it possible to group meshes together and reference them as a whole?  


 Haddd.Begin must be called at last. It calls to:



You can load a mesh after the Begin, but you must call this methods...

CitarAnother thing I'd like to find out... In the tank tutorial, after loading the tank mesh, I can't get the reference of its mesh by its name but if I go by index, like Haddd.Scene.MeshObjects[0].RotateStepX(), it only rotates a part of the tank. Is it possible to group meshes together and reference them as a whole?

Hierarchies are not supported on the exporter yet. It's a missed featured that will be present soon...

The scene graph is ready to support it, but i presume that you need the exporter funcionality to be fully funcional...


 I see... So how exactly will the mesh be loaded when the exporter does support it? Will it create a node and attach all the meshes to it?

Another thing is that when you load a mesh from a file, what identifying name is it given? Because the Load function doesn't take in any identifier name parameter.


CitarI see... So how exactly will the mesh be loaded when the exporter does support it? Will it create a node and attach all the meshes to it?

Yes, this is the way the hierarchy works on Haddd. A root node, with childs. And if a node has child, the final matrix is parent*relative;

CitarAnother thing is that when you load a mesh from a file, what identifying name is it given? Because the Load function doesn't take in any identifier name parameter.

The mesh has a name in the .haddd file. So if you have 3 objects, everyobject has its Max name. You can not repeat names, if you do, the engine adds an autonumeric number to the name.


 I see...
I just took a look at the .haddd files...
When the exporter supports hierarchies, you'll have to specify the root node name? The name of the node that will hold all the mesh objects.


CitarWhen the exporter supports hierarchies, you'll have to specify the root node name? The name of the node that will hold all the mesh objects.

No, you should not specify the root name, we should get the information from MAX without user intervention... ;)  

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