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Competición de "Corazones" para GameBoy Advance

Iniciado por synchrnzr, 01 de Enero de 1970, 01:00:00 AM

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                                Por si alguien está interesado, se celebra una competición en de ROMs para GameBoy Advance. Parece que consiste en ver quién hace la mejor versión del juego Corazones (q viene con Windows) para GameBoy Advance. Os paso la info de los colegas de GBADev:

Information and rules for the 2002 dev compo
(a competition held by & Dean Cavanaugh)

1. General Information about the competition

This is a "restricted" competition. Only games that are made according
to the rules we have provided will be accepted. You might have seen this
game before with the name "Hearts" (card game).

If you feel you want to take part in this competition you are more than
welcome to do so. If you would rather wait for a "free" competition you
might have to wait another 6 months. This competition is just something
fun for people who really want to take part in competitions. It should
not be confused with our big "free" (what will hopefully be a) yearly

The game must of course work on hardware. The judges will test the game
with Flash Linkers on real GBA units. Link cable's will also be used for
testing if the game supports it.

Only unreleased games will be accepted. If you have had your game on your
site or anywhere public it will be rejected (this goes for betas, demos etc aswell).

There is no size limit per say but if you want us to be able to test it
you will keep it under 64mbit :sonriendo: Keep in mind that the size is one of
the criterias the game will be judged by (hint: small is good, although
if you make a really good game with good graphics and such, a larger size
may not be shunned upon).

Please do not include any adult material in your game.

Sound is nice to include but not a neccesity.

Although you dont have to show us your code we would be very glad if you
decided to release the code either along with your game or at a later point.
After all, this compo is held to promote home development and what would be
better than a lot of new innovative source code for everyone to study.

The game must include functional AI for 3 computer controlled players (ie. There
must be a functional 1 player mode)

2. Rules (of the game Hearts)

As you should know by now, the compo is a Hearts compo. We are sure you have
played this game before but if you need some help with remembering the rules
you can have a look at this section.

This particular version of Hearts will be 4 players only. A full deck of 52
cards is used (no jokers). Each player is dealt 13 cards singly and

Object of the game:
To avoid winning any "tricks" with scoring cards, or to win all the scoring
cards in a complete round (called "shooting the moon"). The player with the
lowest score at the end of play (which happens when one player reaches a
score of 100) is declared the winner.

The Play:
Once all the cards have been dealt, each player looks at their hand and
chooses 3 cards to pass to the player to his/her left. After this is done,
the player with the two of clubs will start the game. Each remaining player must
follow suit clockwise and play a card. Once everyone has played one card, a
"trick" is complete. A card of the same suit as the card lead must be played
if the player has any, otherwise, he/she may play any card they wish. The
highest card of the suit lead wins (Aces are high) and that player leads
next. If you have won a "trick" you may not start lead the next "trick" with
a heart card unless you only have hearts left or unless someone else has played
a heart in a previus "trick".

Play continues until all cards have been played (13 hands). At the end
of each round, players tally the number of scoring cards they've won. Each
Heart is worth 1 point and the Queen of Spades is worth 13. The total is
added to the player's score. The only exception is if one player manages to
collect all the scoring cards. This is called "shooting the moon" and that
player receives no points, while all other players go up 26 points each. The
player to the left of the previous dealer becomes the dealer in the
proceeding round. The game ends when someone reaches 100 points or more. At
that point, the player with the lowest score wins!

Any questions or discrepancies regarding the rules of the game may
before forwarded to

3. How will the winners be selected?

The judges will look at the following when they do the judging:

General look and feel of the game. Innovability in solving the set up
of this can give high points.
ROM size
example: 2 equal games are submitted to the compo. The only thing
that sets them apart is the size. One is 256kbyte and one is 2048kbyte.
The 256kbyte entry will be given higher scores.
A game were the opponents just play a random card will not get high
points :sonriendo: People who manage to create good opponents will of course
get much better scores.
As we want to promote the use of multipayer (with link cables) support
in games, we will give high points to anyone who manages to get this working.
EXTRA: If the winner of the competition has working multyplayer support
(with link cables) it will be rewarded with an extra 50$.

5 judges (may change number of judges) will give points to the best 5 entries;

1st : 5 points
2nd : 4 points
3rd : 3 points
4th : 2 points
5th : 1 points

Judges are (at time of writing):

Cavanaugh Dean (
luna_s (
SimonB (

The judges can not enter the competition themselves.
The judges will be able to see what entries the other judges voted on
(to prevent any cheating).

The entry with the most points will take first place etc
Should 2 entries end up with the same points they will share prizes.
Example: The top 2 entries both have 20 points

Since the first place prize is 150$ and the second place prize is 100$,
the two entries will have to share 250$ = 125$ each. And of course
they will get an MBV3 cable each aswell.

If 2 entries end up with the same points and the prizes cant be
divided equally the judges will vote on which of the 2 demos should get
the prize.
Example: 2 entries both have 15 points and share 3rd and 4th place.
The judges will then have to vote on which of the 2 entries that
should place 3rd (50$ + MBV3 cable).
The other entry will end up on 4th place.

4. Prizes

The prizes are as following:
1st place : 150$ + MBV3 cable (50$ extra if multiplayer via link cable is supported!)
2nd place : 100$ + MBV3 cable
3rd place :  50$ + MBV3 cable

If an entry is made by a group they will have to split the prize between themselves.

For information on how the money will be payed please read section 6.

5. Sending in your entry

Please send in a .zip file with the following files included to
Simon ( on or before October 21st, 2002.
You may send in your game while it is still October 21st in any
timezone, the last one being Eniwetok GMT-12.

address.txt (will of course not be made public)
Please write your nickname (if any), real name and complete address so that we
can send you your MBV3 cable asap after the competition is over (should
you have placed in the top 3).

If you have any info about the game please write it in this file.

Please name your binary file something like this.
(Please replace gamename with the name of your game)

If you want to submit the source code for your game (optional) please
send a second .zip called or similar.
(Please replace gamename with the name of your game)

6. How will the winners be payed?

If you were one of the 3 cash winners please contact Simon (
within 2 days after the results have been made public on This must
be done because Simon will unfortunately have to leave for a few months so
if you want to receive your prize before he leaves you will have to hurry up with the
bank details :sonriendo:

The money will be wired to your bank account. If you would rather want us to
paypal you the money, we might be able to arrange this.

If you feel very confident that you will place in the top 3, or if you know
you are not going to be home the days following the compo you may send
in your bank details along with your game (in address.txt).

If you do not contact us within 2 days after the results have been made
public, you may have to wait upwards of 6 months to recieve your prize (please see
above for more info).

7. Legal

You keep all the rights to your game. However, we reserve the right to post
and host it on with 2 included files; file_id.diz and
aswell as use it in any promotional events that we see fit.

You may not post your entry on any website until the results and entries have been
made public on

Your game may not break any copyright laws or any other law. You are responsible
to make sure that everything you send in is legal and not breaking any laws.
The judges or can not be held responsible should any copyrights
have been broken in a game. Should it be blatantly obvius that you have
used copyrighted material without permission we will consider this as cheating
and will then be forced to disqualify your entry (and may ban you from all future
competitions should we feel this is needed).

The judges and/or can reject any game that we feel does not meet the rules.
We also reserve the right to reject games for any reason should the judges and/or agree that a sertain game would not be apropriate to post on

Please note that all the MBV3 units will be sent out from GameGizmo, and because of this we
can not guarantee that you will recieve your prize. If you do not recieve
your prize please contact us and we will try to sort things out.

The cash prizes will be wired/paypal'ed from GameGizmo and Dean Cavanaugh so we can
not guarantee that you will recieve your money. If you do not recieve your cash please
contact Simon ( and we will try to sort things out.

Please keep in mind that ALL the prizes in our previus compo were sent out without
many problems (everyone recieved what they won). I hope this will convince you that
if you indeed place in the top3 you will receive your prize.

Even thought this is just about the final version of the rules we reserve the
right to change minor things. Note: We will not remove any prizes. Because of this it would
be wise of you to check back and see if the rules has been updated since you lsat read them.
If we update this document we will write so at the bottom of this document.

8. Misc

A BIG thanks to GameGizmo ( for providing 150$usd and 3 MBV3 cables!
Also, a big thanks to co-organizer Dean Cavanaugh ( for
providing 150$usd! (+50$usd extra if the winner has multiplayer support, via link cable).

Feel free to mail us if you have any questions/suggestions regarding this compo.

Thank you,

the monkeys
2002-09-08 23:58

Bueno, si alguien se anima a participar, recordad q podeis utilizar mi motor de sonido. Ánimo! :ojo:

Sync :guay:

Mars Attacks

                                - Yo nunca he sabido jugar a ese juego (ni a ningún otro de cartas, virtuales o no). ¿Qué me pasa, doctor?
- Que eres un inútil, Mars, que eres un inútil.                                


                                Yo tampoco sé XDDD                                

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Muchísimas gracias.