Stratos: Punto de Encuentro de Desarrolladores

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Congrats & Hrigidbody Question

Iniciado por , 03 de Mayo de 2006, 12:05:01 PM

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 First,  thanks a lot for this incredibly nice engine.  It's very simple to use and so I can draft out gameplay ideas very fast.  But I have a question concerning the HRigidBody implementation:
Is there a way to attach a HNode instead of a HMeshObject to a HRigidBody so that  hierarchies of meshes can act like a single rigid body? Otherwise I always have to create a dummy meshobject and then synchronize my HNode with that dummymesh.
Other than that I really enjoy working with this engine.

A thing I noticed in the tank tutorial is that the framerate drops from about 400 fps to 40 fps if i get so close to the tank so that it nearly fills the whole screen. Is the pixel shader used for that thingy really that expensive that it can decrease the fps by these big amounts?




 Thanks for your words  :P  

You are right, i will change the HMeshObject for a HNode. With a HNode it's enough.

And about the tank, this tank has, i think 3 lights, so each light i's a render pass. This is all done with pixel shaders. If you get close, there are a lot of process there. Think on it : 1 light = 1 pass. 3 lights=3 render passes.

That is the reason you can see a lot of games using lightmaps yet...

 Thanks a lot for the quick answer  . In the meantime I will use the dummy-mesh workaround.  I didn't see the 3 lights since i did only check the c# sourcecode and not the shaders. I'm really looking forward to create a small game with your engine.
I still have another question: Are you planning to provide some base class for creating a custom scene manager? How does the culling work in your default scenegraph? Is it hierarchical bounding volume culling?




 The scene graph is integrated, and we have no plans to give access to the developers.

If you look at the Tutorial 22, you will se the hierarchycal bounding boxes  :lol:  

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