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A Problem About Run Tutorial!

Iniciado por LuRenJia, 25 de Mayo de 2006, 03:29:19 PM

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But the file "interno.fx" has 1104 lines so that I can't post it.

The error description is:

Error loading effect:interno.fx\n(1066): warning X3083: Truncating 4-vector to size 1
(1076): warning X3083: Truncating 4-vector to size 1
(1102): error X3000: syntax error: unexpected end of file

When I used dx viewer to open the file, it told me:

Loading effect - E:\Temp_F\softwaredEngine\Haddd2_0\Exes\interno.fx
SAS: 'File:E:\Temp_F\softwaredEngine\Haddd2_0\Exes\interno.fx' - Global parameter not found. Effect is not SAS-compliant.
SAS: Could not load effect 'File:E:\Temp_F\softwaredEngine\Haddd2_0\Exes\interno.fx'
Reverting to the default effect.
SAS: Loading effect 'Resource:#103'

No more useful information. :(

My graphics cards are R9550 and X550, they just support vs2.0 and ps2.0, if you use nVidia's graphics card, you maybe used sm3.0,  that would cause the problem?

Sorry for my poor english.

Thanks to all guys!


 btw. One of my friends ran the tutorials and this problem occured too. He used ATI R9600, I hope the information is useful. O_O  


 Strange, both Berserker and I have ATI 9600, and I´ve been able to run all tutorials succesfully...




 I have same error,I can't run every tutorials.
my computer is:
AMD 3000+
ATI 9600
Windows 2000
DirectX Version: 4.09.0000.0904 (April 2006)


I´m working on the source code now, so you´ll have to bear a little with me till we move to our new site and release the source. After that we´ll start to think a way of getting the engine to run there or at least to know better why it failed...




Hola he empezado con el tutorial01 y me dá los mismos problemas que a ellos al intentar ejecutar.
Tengo la versión de abril de los directx.
Conseguisteis averiguar cual era el problema?



Probablemente es la gráfica, pero ahora que tienes el código fuente, ¿podrías decir en que línea te da el error exactamente?

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