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Opera lanza el API del WiiRemote para navegadores

Iniciado por matriax, 07 de Agosto de 2007, 10:27:41 AM

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Opera Launches Wii Remote API

Opera, the company behind the Wii Internet Channel, have published today the application programming interface (API) for the Wii Remote. So what's this mean? Well, basically, web programmers will be able to design pages using JavaScript which can then retrieve data from the Wii remote, enabling users to interact with web pages in new and exciting ways.

The API is able to get information about all four remotes in real-time, including button presses, rotation, pointer position, and distance form the screen. It works with the nunchuck attachment, but does not work with Classic Controller.

According to Opera, the API could be used to program simple games using a combination of technologies supported by the browser. So it should be pretty interesting to see what kind of home-brew games that people come up with using this new API.

Pues eso que por lo que parece podremos crear juegos para web usando los mandos de la Wii, el nunchuck y wiiremote, el clasico de momento no se puede.

A ver quien se anima :) .
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