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Flash Game Competition Come2Play

Iniciado por zwiTTeR, 23 de Noviembre de 2009, 01:18:38 PM

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Me ha llegado la siguiente información sobre una competición de juegos Flash. La dejo aquí por si a alguien le intresa:

Grupo: Flash Game Developers
Asunto: Flash Game Competition: Top Prize $5000. Exclusive to members of the Flash Game Developers Group on LinkedIn!
Come2Play has teamed up with the LinkedIn Flash Game Developers group to bring you an awesome Flash Game Competition! Just integrate their API in your game, submit it and you could win one of the following cash prizes:

1st Place: $5,000
2nd Place: $2,000
3rd Place: $1,000

It's not a massive group, so everybody here has a good chance - this is a competition with no strings attached! The game does NOT have to be new, exclusive, advert free or free of sponsor links to be entered.

The main requirement is that all submissions must have the Come2Play API implemented.

Extra benefits of implementing the API include revenue sharing, game distribution to Come2Play partners and multiplayer features.

The deadline is January 31st, 2010, so there is plenty of time to implement the API to all of your games and submit them to Come2Play!

Find out more & submit your games at

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