Stratos: Punto de Encuentro de Desarrolladores

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Noticias de biovirtual, por si a alguien le interesa...

Iniciado por Mars Attacks, 22 de Mayo de 2003, 09:28:48 PM

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Mars Attacks

                                Como no me decidía dónde meterlo, lo pongo aquí:

May 21st 2003:

bioVirtual announce major new 3D software developments, and significant
price cuts on our professional product line:
bioVirtual has undergone many changes of late - consolidating our human
modeling range as well as pushing forward into virtual environments with
our new flagship product,


please check our new look website at <>
for details on this and whole our range of products and services.
3DContoura - the ultimate 3D terraforming solution - is now in the final
stages of development. This brand new software will provide the most
powerful solution available for realtime landscape generation and 3D
cartography. Implementing infinite terrains,
users will be able to paint mountains and ground topology in real-time -
either in alignment with standard 2D contour maps or to create your own
amazing virtual environments.
3DContoura will be available from the bioVirtual website in the very near
in the meantime, please check <>
for further details.

$500 off 3DMeNow Pro 2!

3DMeNowProfessional version 2.0, as used by games developers and
broadcast producers worldwide - can now bought direct from our site at the
low, low price of $1799.
Version 1.0 users can now upgrade for just $499, and 3DMeNow Designer
customers can upgrade for just $1399!

Please check our website for further details at


Current 3DMeNow range price list:

3DMeNow Professional $1799 <>
3DMeNow Designer $249 <>
3DMeNow version 1.5 $15! <>