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J2me --> Tiledlayer , Sprite --> Colisiones

Iniciado por kons_11, 30 de Septiembre de 2004, 04:16:41 PM

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 Hola , alguien sabe como puedo detectar las colisines entre Sprites y TiledLayer en midle 2.0?? he visto q en las API hay una nueva funcion para ello , pero me da errores en compilacion.

 Un saludo.


 En la MID 2.0 tienes el objeto Sprite
que posee el metodo collidesWith al que le puedes
pasar el TiledLayer.

Aqui tienes lo que pone sobre el metodo en la referencia de la API:

Class Sprite



public final boolean collidesWith(TiledLayer t,
                                 boolean pixelLevel)

   Checks for a collision between this Sprite and the specified TiledLayer. If pixel-level detection is used, a collision is detected only if opaque pixels collide. That is, an opaque pixel in the Sprite would have to collide with an opaque pixel in TiledLayer for a collision to be detected. Only those pixels within the Sprite's collision rectangle are checked.

   If pixel-level detection is not used, this method simply checks if the Sprite's collision rectangle intersects with a non-empty cell in the TiledLayer.

   Any transform applied to the Sprite is automatically accounted for.

   The Sprite and the TiledLayer must both be visible in order for a collision to be detected.

       t - the TiledLayer to test for collision with
       pixelLevel - true to test for collision on a pixel-by-pixel basis, false to test using simple bounds checking          against non-empty cells.
       true if this Sprite has collided with the TiledLayer, otherwise false
       NullPointerException - if t is null

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