Stratos: Punto de Encuentro de Desarrolladores

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Is Source Code Publically Available?

Iniciado por , 18 de Marzo de 2006, 10:47:04 AM

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I'm just starting to learn C# and MDX. Is the source code for haddd publically available? It would be probably very helpful for me. Can i download it from somewhere? In download section there're only sources for tutorials and some tools.



the source code for the graphic engine is not available yet, sorry :( You can download the tutorials or the AI part that come with the HadddEngine.dll. With the tutorials you can learn a big part of Haddd! You can decompile also de dll if you want to look at the source code.

We´ll release the source code, but it won´t be any time soon... Greetings!


 Thanks for the decomile tip!

I've used Lutz Roeder's  Reflector for .NET and it works quite well.

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