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Asteroids Online es seleccionado por Gamezebo como de lo mejor del 2010

Iniciado por juangril, 05 de Enero de 2011, 06:57:11 PM

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Hola a todos. Queremos compartir una cosa que nos puso muy contentos. Gamezebo acaba de seleccionar Asteroids Online (el juego que hicimos para Atari en Facebook), como uno de los mejores juegos casuales del 2010:

El link al post esta aca:

Y esto es lo que dicen:
Updating a classic is risky business, and rereleases all too often highlight the dangers of fiddling with the original formula. Asteroids Online, however, is a treasure. This is a bold newcomer that somehow feels as fresh as the original, and additions such as leaderboards and upgradable ships prove that Atari fully understands what makes social games so addicting. What's most impressive, however, is that Asteroids remains as difficult as it ever was. Powerful alien warships will corner you in one level and dozens of tiny asteroids will zip past in a split second in others, and before long you'll start sweating from the challenge. And you'll love it.
Juan Gril
Studio Manager
Joju Games

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