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Directshow Solucionado Pero No Del Todo

Iniciado por scorpionhack, 19 de Noviembre de 2005, 02:40:13 PM

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tengo un programa hecho en visual Basic que reproduce archivos de internet introduciendo la url , pero hay un problema y es que los reproduce poco a poco , como puedo hacer para que se reproduzca seguido??.



 Reproduces 'al paso' o cargas primero todo el video en memoria o en partes? Oviamente si no tienes todo el contenido del video o secciones considerables de este no podra reproducirlo fluidamente.

José Miguel Sánchez Fernández
.NET Developer | Game Programmer | Unity Developer

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este es el codigo de direct show que utilizo, haver si me puedes ayudar.

Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Option Compare Text

Private m_dblRate As Double                'Rate in Frames Per Second
Private m_bstrFileName As String           'Loaded Filename
Private m_dblRunLength As Double           'Duration in seconds
Private m_dblStartPosition As Double       'Start position in seconds
Public m_boolVideoRunning As Boolean       'Flag used to trigger clock

Private dblPosition As Double ' Current Play position

Private m_objBasicAudio  As IBasicAudio      'Basic Audio Object
Private m_objBasicVideo As IBasicVideo       'Basic Video Object
Private m_objMediaEvent As IMediaEvent       'MediaEvent Object
Private m_objVideoWindow As IVideoWindow     'VideoWindow Object
Private m_objMediaControl As IMediaControl   'MediaControl Object
Private m_objMediaPosition As IMediaPosition 'MediaPosition Object
   ' ****************************************************
   ' ****   Main Video Loading method
   ' ****      Use this method to load video file
Sub RunVideoContent(ByVal path As String, Optional ByVal DontMaintainRatio As Boolean, Optional ByVal FullScreen As Boolean)
   Dim nCount As Long
   Dim sScale As Double
   Dim topMod As Long
   On Local Error GoTo ErrLine
       ' NOTE: to get the clip duration use - m_dblRunLength

       ' Initialize global variables based on the
       ' contents of the file:
       '   m_bstrFileName - name of file name selected by the user
       '   m_dblRunLength = length of the file; duration
       '   m_dblStartPosition - point at which to start playing clip
       '   m_objMediaControl, m_objMediaEvent, m_objMediaPosition,
       '   m_objBasicAudio, m_objVideoWindow - programmable objects
       'clean up memory (in case a file was previously opened)
       ' Setting file to object
   m_bstrFileName = path
       'Instantiate a filter graph for the requested
       'file format.
   Set m_objMediaControl = New FilgraphManager
   Call m_objMediaControl.RenderFile(m_bstrFileName)
       'Setup the IBasicAudio object (this
       'is equivalent to calling QueryInterface()
       'on IFilterGraphManager). Initialize the volume
       'to the maximum value.
       ' Some filter graphs don't render audio
       ' In this sample, skip setting volume property
   Set m_objBasicAudio = m_objMediaControl
   m_objBasicAudio.Volume = 0
   m_objBasicAudio.Balance = 0
       'Setup the IVideoWindow object. Remove the
       'caption, border, dialog frame, and scrollbars
       'from the default window. Position the window.
       'Set the parent to the app's form.
   Set m_objVideoWindow = m_objMediaControl
   m_objVideoWindow.WindowStyle = CLng(&H6000000)
   m_objVideoWindow.Left = 0
       ' Getting Scale Ratio
   sScale = m_objVideoWindow.Height / m_objVideoWindow.Width
       ' Setting object width
   m_objVideoWindow.Width =
   If Not (DontMaintainRatio) Then
       m_objVideoWindow.Height = * sScale
       topMod = ( - m_objVideoWindow.Height) / 2
       m_objVideoWindow.Height =
   End If
   m_objVideoWindow.Top = topMod
       ' Setting FullScreen Mode
   m_objVideoWindow.FullScreenMode = FullScreen
       'reset the video window owner - The surface the video is implemented upon
   m_objVideoWindow.Owner =
       'Setup the IMediaEvent object for the
       'sample toolbar (run, pause, play).
   Set m_objMediaEvent = m_objMediaControl
       'Setup the IMediaPosition object so that we
       'can display the duration of the selected
       'video as well as the elapsed time.
   Set m_objMediaPosition = m_objMediaControl
       'set the playback rate given the desired optional
   m_objMediaPosition.Rate = 1 ' Normal play rate
                               ' NOTE: you can set values like 1.5 for 150% speed, pretty nice
       ' Use user-established playback rate
   m_dblRate = m_objMediaPosition.Rate
       ' getting play length
   m_dblRunLength = Round(m_objMediaPosition.Duration, 2)
       ' Reset start position to 0
   m_dblStartPosition = 0
       ' Play the file
   Exit Sub
   Resume Next
End Sub
   ' ****************************************************
   ' ****   Unloading Control from memory
   ' ****
Sub UnloadActiveMovieControl()
   On Local Error GoTo ErrLine
   'stop playback
   m_boolVideoRunning = False
   'cleanup media control
   If Not m_objMediaControl Is Nothing Then
   End If
   'clean-up video window
   If Not m_objVideoWindow Is Nothing Then
       m_objVideoWindow.Left = Screen.Width * 8
       m_objVideoWindow.Height = Screen.Height * 8
       m_objVideoWindow.Owner = 0          'sets the Owner to NULL
   End If
   'clean-up & dereference
   If Not m_objBasicAudio Is Nothing Then Set m_objBasicAudio = Nothing
   If Not m_objBasicVideo Is Nothing Then Set m_objBasicVideo = Nothing
   If Not m_objMediaControl Is Nothing Then Set m_objMediaControl = Nothing
   If Not m_objVideoWindow Is Nothing Then Set m_objVideoWindow = Nothing
   If Not m_objMediaPosition Is Nothing Then Set m_objMediaPosition = Nothing
   Exit Sub
End Sub

   ' ****************************************************
   ' ****   Control Methods
   ' ****      Play,Pause & Stop

Sub PlayActiveMovie()
   On Local Error GoTo errHandle
   'Invoke the MediaControl Run() method
   'and pause the video that is being
   'displayed through the predefined
   'filter graph.
   'Assign specified starting position dependent on state
   If CLng(m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition) < CLng(m_dblStartPosition) Then
       m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = m_dblStartPosition
   ElseIf CLng(m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition) = CLng(m_dblRunLength) Then
       m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = m_dblStartPosition
   End If
   m_boolVideoRunning = True
   Call m_objMediaControl.Run
   Exit Sub
   Resume Next
End Sub

Sub PauseActiveMovie()
   On Local Error GoTo errHandle
       ' Validating state
   If Not (m_boolVideoRunning) Then Exit Sub
       ' Pausing
   Call m_objMediaControl.Pause
       ' setting state
   m_boolVideoRunning = False
   Exit Sub
End Sub

Sub StopActiveMovie()
   On Local Error GoTo errHandle
       ' Validating state
   If Not (m_boolVideoRunning) Then Exit Sub
       ' Stopping
   Call m_objMediaControl.Stop
       ' setting state
   m_boolVideoRunning = False
       ' reset to the beginning of the video
   m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = 0
   Exit Sub
End Sub

   ' ****************************************************
   ' ****   Various Setting methods
   ' ****
Sub SetActiveMovieBalance(ByVal Value As Long)
   On Local Error GoTo ErrLine
   'Set the balance using the slider
   If Not m_objMediaControl Is Nothing Then _
       m_objBasicAudio.Balance = Value
   Exit Sub
End Sub

Sub SetActiveMovieVolume(ByVal Value As Long)
   On Local Error GoTo ErrLine
   'Set the volume using the slider
   If Not m_objMediaControl Is Nothing Then _
       m_objBasicAudio.Volume = Value
   Exit Sub
End Sub
   ' ****************************************************
   ' ****   Info retrival Functions
   ' ****
Function GetVideoLength() As Double
   GetVideoLength = m_dblRunLength
End Function
Function GetVideoPos() As Double
   dblPosition = m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition
   GetVideoPos = dblPosition
End Function

Function VideoRunning() As Boolean
   VideoRunning = m_boolVideoRunning
End Function
   ' ****************************************************
   ' ****   The Timer event
   ' ****
Public Sub ActiveMovieTimerEvent()
   Dim nReturnCode As Long
   On Local Error GoTo errHandle
   If m_boolVideoRunning = True Then
           'obtain return code
       Call m_objMediaEvent.WaitForCompletion(100, nReturnCode)
       If nReturnCode = 0 Then ' Playing
           'get the current position for display
           dblPosition = m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition
       Else    ' Stopped
               ' NOTE: only occurs when clip FINISHES playin
               ' Set State
           m_boolVideoRunning = False
               ' Send event
       End If
   End If
   Exit Sub
   'NOTE: Keep this as this method repeatedly raises errors
   '      without caring for my mental health
   Resume Next
End Sub

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