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Shadow Glitches

Iniciado por auron, 06 de Febrero de 2006, 06:13:41 AM

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 well, first of all you are not working with the last version...Please update... :)

And the second big problem is the extrusion constant. You have a big terrain, and the extrusion value is 40. It's not enough, but a problem with big extrusion values are that in depth fail mode, they can not be greater than the far clip plane. There is a solution with all of this, but when i studied the shadows, i think that you really need the extrusion values, because if you are in a room, you do not want that the shadow volume extrusion goes through the walls, so you need to fix a good value. But maybe i should give you the option to use infinite far plane shadow volumes... ;)  


 I was just testin out the extrusion constant.. :D Cos the shadows tended not to reach certain points if it was too far off. Infinite planes would be nice. :D

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