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Outdoor And Higmaps

Iniciado por haraxx, 13 de Marzo de 2006, 12:30:35 PM

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 hmmm 2 questions,

give it or is plan a Outdoor system?

give it or is plan a Highmap system?

sry - if the questions was answer in a other post.
i have use the search and nothing find.



 Yes, we are working now on portals and when finished, on outdoor scenes

Well, about terrains, we are not worked on it yet, and you know there is a lot of work on it...Be patient...


 can i convert a vertex array to your meshObjects and how?
if yes - then i can use @ the moment my old mdx system .


nice day
haraxx :)


 of course, you can, here is the static method for create a 3d text:

 public static HMesh CreateText3D(System.Drawing.Font fuente, string text, float extrude)
  Mesh temp = null;
  temp = Mesh.TextFromFont(Haddd.Video.Device, fuente, text, 0.001f, extrude);

  HMesh mesh = Haddd.Video.Meshes.Create();
// Force a texture coord
  using (temp)
   mesh.DXResource = temp.Clone(temp.Options.Value, temp.VertexFormat | VertexFormats.Texture1, Haddd.Video.Device);

  return mesh;


Here is an example, using Vertex and Index Buffers

  Mesh temp = new Mesh(NIndices / 3, n, MeshFlags.Managed, CustomVertex.PositionTextured.Format, Haddd.Video.Device);

  HMesh mesh = Haddd.Video.Meshes.Create();

  mesh.DXResource = temp;

  temp.SetVertexBufferData(v, LockFlags.None);

  i = new short[NIndices];

  Array.Copy(indices, i, NIndices);

  temp.SetIndexBufferData(i, LockFlags.None);

  return mesh;

As you can see, the engine only needs a DX Mesh. You must call Optimize and TransformToLocal methods to set the internal vars after you create the mesh, and that's all.


 hmm - i test it :)

for the first it make a easy look.


ahhhh - cool :) this is it :)