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A Char Encoding Problem About Max Expoter

Iniciado por LuRenJia, 28 de Abril de 2006, 04:05:13 AM

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sorry for my poor english. i am working my 3d application base on HADDD. i love the engine, a good pure .net 3d engine developed by c# and mdx.  how long i am looking for one, now i got, :D

but i have a problem about max exporter, it can't correct export max scene if the scene include some chinese name of materials and textures, even objects.

thanks for help !



thks for the compliments and glad you are enjoying Haddd :) I don´t know if the exporter if configured for unicode support, I didn´t write it, but I doubt it... Let´s wait till Berserker or Haddd read this, but I think you´ve found a bug there ;)




 We are usign the string type, so there is not problem about unicode. But maybe the exporter is ANSI. Let me talk with BeRSeRKeR about it...

The new version has a great advance. You know, as you say, that Haddd is EASY to use, just enable/disable an effect and..¡voila!. Well, we have created a very very good way of accesing the vertex buffers, so you can access the normals, vertices, tangents as you need, without worring about the vertex format. This give us a lot of productivity, because we don't need to lock the buffers, look for the declaration, get the right values...

And we are working on the new exporter, developed on C++, so you will export an scene at lighting speed...

keep  the great job, we are looking forward the new version! (ole)