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Problem With Particles

Iniciado por funkydata, 10 de Mayo de 2006, 04:10:38 AM

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 I think this is solved on the next version. I pressume it will appear this week.  :P  


Cita de: "Guest"Sorry for the troll, funkydata.

These are usually very nice forums with very nice people, but, sometimes, due to anonymous posting, you know what could happen... :(.

Please ignore it. You had bad luck posting this time posting.

A los administradores: Por favor, borrad esto, que es que me da vergüenza ajena leerlo.
No problem... in fact, i don't understand the tenth of what they say  ;)  


 perdonar pero estais para hablar de un motor o para tirar los trastos a la cabeza porque parece esto un patio de marujas. :angry:  


 I don't want to create a new topic for a such stupid question so i wrote it here :

What is the (best) method for render a texture on screen assuming it's XY coordinates with Haddd ?

Thx for your help


 The HSprite Class. Look at the ShadowMap tutorial  ;)  



 I come back to the main topic of this post...

What is the rendering method used by Hadd for particles (Point Sprites, Shaders...) ?
Can i see particles if i don't attach them to an object ?


 This is changed on the next version. Next version treat particles as HMeshobjects, and the light can or not affect to them. This is a ver cool feature.... :P  


Cita de: "Haddd"This is changed on the next version. Next version treat particles as HMeshobjects, and the light can or not affect to them. This is a ver cool feature.... :P
For sure it could be very nice  (ole)
But what about the engine current version ?

I ask that because i can't see any particles on my scene... no errors but no visuals :s

I try all particles size, position, rotation. I try to attach them to differents meshes but with no results... so i'm really confused

I think i'll make my own class since i can't find the problem



 This weekend should appear. Do you visit our page?  ;)  


 Yes i see that i wait it impatiently  :D