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Using Haddd For Fps Game

Iniciado por mauzi the Dude, 22 de Mayo de 2006, 06:09:41 PM

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mauzi the Dude


i've been programming with various C# (Axiom, Purple#, Irrlicht.NET) engines, but none of them have a physics wrapper. I've wrapped the Newton Dynamics Engine already eralier but had problems with interop and it crashed serveral times for no reason. (c++ verison worked).
so my question is:
is haddd stable and performat enough to write a FPS game ?
is newton working proberly ? ( did anyone complain ? )

greetz mauzi  



at the moment you wouldn´t be able to do a full FPS with Haddd as it lacks animation and scene management :( We are working on that (see the MD5 post), but no idea about when they are going to be finished. About the wrapper we have for Newton, as far as I recall, no one told us about any problem with it.



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