Stratos: Punto de Encuentro de Desarrolladores

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[Jad] PathTooLongException, errro estranho ...

Iniciado por Suicidal, 31 de Julio de 2006, 03:33:14 PM

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Olá, eu sou brasileiro, e sou novo no foro ...
Desculpem escreveer em portugues, mas meu espanol eh mto ruim ...

eu gostaria de lhes pedir ajuda em uma parte do meu codigo ...
é esta parte aqui :


Ele da um erro assim

The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

Eu naos ei pq ?
alguem teria alguma solução ?

Obs o meu path é : c:\haddd\jad\Teste\Teste_1

E novamente desculpas por nao ser bom de espanhol ...


Well, not portuguese here, so I´ll answer in english and spanish:


The engine is not finding some resources that needs to start. If you have downloaded the tutorials, you´ll see there are some folders called:

- base
- InHouse
- PreShaders

Those folders are needed by the engine to run (maybe another one, but I think those are the only ones). Put those folders in the same place you have the Configuration.xml file.



El motor no encuentra algunos recursos que necesita para poder ejecutarse. Si te has bajado los tutoriales verás que hay unas cuantas carpetas llamadas:

- base
- InHouse
- PreShaders

El motor necesita esas carpetas para poder ejecutar (quizás necesite alguna otra, pero creo que no). Las carpetas deben estar en la misma ruta que el fichero Configuration.xml.


OOOOOOhh man ...

thank youuuuuuu ... you save my life ... xP

just more one question ...
In alll my projects i need to put these folders in the folder debug ?

OBS: Sorry but my english is newba too xP


Well, if you have all your projects in a common path, you can put it in the common path, something like:


You can put those folders in MyProjects ;)

