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Stratos: Punto de Encuentro de Desarrolladores

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Digital Lightning Studios S.L.

Detalles de la empresa
Nombre de la empresaDigital Lightning Studios S.L.
Correo electrónicocontact@dlsgames.com
Número de trabajadores7
UbicaciónMadrid, Madrid (España)
ActividadesDesarrollo de videojuegos
Fundaciónviernes, 29 de Diciembre del 2011
Acerca de esta empresaDigital Lightning Studios is an indie game development company, specialized in creativity, innovation, excellent animation, fun in which we like to create and empower the quality about kind of games that we want to play, with genre-defying gameplay experiences that have an unmistakable unique style.
Detalles de la empresa
Digital Lightning Studios S.L.
Madrid, Madrid (España)
Desarrollo de videojuegos
viernes, 29 de Diciembre del 2011
Digital Lightning Studios is an indie game development company, specialized in creativity, innovation, excellent animation, fun in which we like to create and empower the quality about kind of games that we want to play, with genre-defying gameplay experiences that have an unmistakable unique style.

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