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Stratos: Punto de Encuentro de Desarrolladores

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Detalles de la empresa
Nombre de la empresaL8SmartLight
Correo electrónicocontact@l8smartlight.com
UbicaciónMadrid, Madrid (España)
ActividadesDesarrollo de aplicaciones
Investigación y desarrollo
Acerca de esta empresaThe L8, our first product, is a battery powered device with a multicolor 64 Led matrix on one side and a multicolor super bright Led on the other and several useful sensors inside, that connects via bluetooth to your smartphone to notify you by light images or animations of just about anything that happens on the Internet.
Detalles de la empresa
Madrid, Madrid (España)
Desarrollo de aplicaciones
Investigación y desarrollo
The L8, our first product, is a battery powered device with a multicolor 64 Led matrix on one side and a multicolor super bright Led on the other and several useful sensors inside, that connects via bluetooth to your smartphone to notify you by light images or animations of just about anything that happens on the Internet.

Esta empresa no tiene ninguna vacante actualmente

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