Volver a listado de ofertas trabajoVRnamDetalles de la empresa |
| Nombre de la empresa | VRnam | Web | https://vrnam.com/ | Correo electrónico | shanewcarroll@vrnam.com | Número de trabajadores | 2 | Ubicación | Ho Chi Minh City, (Vietnam) | Actividades | Desarrollo de videojuegos Simulación 3D
| Acerca de esta empresa | Located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; VRnam is a privately funded technology project set up primarily to enable the use of the newest training methods in flight training. With professional grade flight simulators costing up to $18m USD, being in near-24hr use year around and very much expensive to house, man, operate and utilize; VRnam’s aim is to create a training environment that can be operated in a normal office or home with minimal instruction and oversight for many hours at very minimal cost. That (non-flying, procedural) training environment will exist in Virtual Reality. It will explain, guide and drill procedures together with trainee professional pilots step by step. This technology will firstly be exploited on the Airbus A320 airliner family and then rolled out on further aircraft types in future. |
Detalles de la empresa |
VRnam | https://vrnam.com/ | shanewcarroll@vrnam.com | 2 | Ho Chi Minh City, (Vietnam) | Desarrollo de videojuegos Simulación 3D
| Located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; VRnam is a privately funded technology project set up primarily to enable the use of the newest training methods in flight training. With professional grade flight simulators costing up to $18m USD, being in near-24hr use year around and very much expensive to house, man, operate and utilize; VRnam’s aim is to create a training environment that can be operated in a normal office or home with minimal instruction and oversight for many hours at very minimal cost. That (non-flying, procedural) training environment will exist in Virtual Reality. It will explain, guide and drill procedures together with trainee professional pilots step by step. This technology will firstly be exploited on the Airbus A320 airliner family and then rolled out on further aircraft types in future. | |
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