Volver a listado de ofertas trabajoElectronic Arts Software S.L.Company details |
| Full company name | Electronic Arts Software S.L. | Web | www.jobs.ea.com | EMail address | aamador@ea.com | Location | , Madrid (España) | Activities | Desarrollo de videojuegos Edición de videojuegos
| About this company | We’re EA—the world’s largest video game publisher. You’re probably familiar with many of our titles—Madden, FIFA, The Sims, Need for Speed, Dead Space, Battlefield, and Star Wars, to name but a few. But maybe you don’t know how we’re committed to creating games for every platform—from social to mobile to console—to give our consumers that Anytime, Anywhere access they demand. What does that mean for you? It means more opportunities to unleash your creative genius, be inspired by those leading their fields, and ignite your path in any direction you choose. |
Company details |
Electronic Arts Software S.L. | www.jobs.ea.com | aamador@ea.com | , Madrid (España) | Desarrollo de videojuegos Edición de videojuegos
| We’re EA—the world’s largest video game publisher. You’re probably familiar with many of our titles—Madden, FIFA, The Sims, Need for Speed, Dead Space, Battlefield, and Star Wars, to name but a few. But maybe you don’t know how we’re committed to creating games for every platform—from social to mobile to console—to give our consumers that Anytime, Anywhere access they demand. What does that mean for you? It means more opportunities to unleash your creative genius, be inspired by those leading their fields, and ignite your path in any direction you choose. | |
This enterprise has no open positions now |
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