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Stratos: Punto de Encuentro de Desarrolladores

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Augury Games

Detalles de la empresa
Nombre de la empresaAugury Games
Correo electrónicoaugurygamesgen@gmail.com
Número de trabajadores5
Ubicación, Sevilla (España)
ActividadesDesarrollo de videojuegos
Acerca de esta empresaAugury Games is an independent studio based in Andalucia, Spain.

The studio was created by talented and innovative people who have been involved in other video games and projects for years.

Augurium is the current project we are working on; a dark 2D metroidvania with pixel art graphics, a game with a striking art section intertwined with a character-driven story, and accompanied by a quality soundtrack that will make the player feel part of the narrative.
Detalles de la empresa
Augury Games
, Sevilla (España)
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Augury Games is an independent studio based in Andalucia, Spain.

The studio was created by talented and innovative people who have been involved in other video games and projects for years.

Augurium is the current project we are working on; a dark 2D metroidvania with pixel art graphics, a game with a striking art section intertwined with a character-driven story, and accompanied by a quality soundtrack that will make the player feel part of the narrative.

Ofertas de trabajo de esta empresa

21/05/24Game Designer/Level Designer
Game Designer/Level Designer
A distancia

Salario sin especificar

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