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Genomia Project on Kickstarter!

jueves, 9 de Marzo del 2016
Etiquetas: Lanzamientos

Chromatid Dynamics, a newborn independent development company, is about to launch a Kickstarter campaign for its project “Genomia”, a 2.5D platform video game with RPG elements and a cooperative and competitive multiplayer whose prototype will be shown in a video that will be featured on our page. The campaign will be launched in early March 2016.

If successfully funded, the game will be initially developed for Windows and Mac, but it might be ported to PS4 and XBox One in case the stretch goals are reached.

Here you can find for press preview only, links to the Kickstarter video and to the game theme.

HD video link (1.4 Gb): http://genomia-game.com/press/genomia_kickstarter_hd.mov
Low-res video link (140 Mb): http://genomia-game.com/press/genomia_kickstarter.mov
Musical theme link: http://genomia-game.com/press/genomia_theme.mp3

You can contact Chromatid Dynamics LLC staff for more information any time.

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