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Mensajes - Mikenoworth

CRM32Pro / CTile
15 de Diciembre de 2006, 01:31:08 AM
// temp
Tileset->SetTileSet( 1, 64  );
Tileset->SetPosition( /*1+*/(x * 64), (y * 64) - (y_offset%64) - 64);
Tileset->Draw(0, data[x][ y + (y_offset / 64)]);

I fixed my problem :)
CRM32Pro / Bitmap Fonts Anyone?
14 de Diciembre de 2006, 01:44:25 PM
From what I've learned, the entire string has to fit in the bitmap on ONE line. If the text wraps, you get errors.

The main thing is, if say a character like double quotes, ", has no legal colored pixels between the single quotes, the font creator tries to split it up into two single quotes, with only one pixel width seperating them. To fix this simply put a pixel or two in between the quotes.

here's a weak ascii-art example, I'll use # for each colored pixel, and % for a shaded color pixel.

 ## ##
 ## ##
 #  #

 The one pixel space gets marked with purple. so put a pixel in between.

 #  #

 And that is it.

Don't use the FontWithErrors.bmp file, unless you remove the purple lines.

Another thing I do, which I don't think is required, is I line up the font on all sides of the bitmap, so that the left & right margins are the same width in pixels, and the top and bottom margins are the same height in pixels.
CRM32Pro / Thanks!
14 de Diciembre de 2006, 01:33:17 PM
Sweet! I got it! I'm a little disappointed, it seems I gave you an older version, and the code is so far out of date - I'm not sure if I'm willing to recode it. But I did show it off to my girl. Heh.  8)

The new game, a vertical scroller, is coming along great. I'm hoping in a week or two it'll have some gameplay, this one will get released this time, in case I lose the project like I did last time.

Thanks again!
CRM32Pro / Blowing up chickens!
13 de Diciembre de 2006, 10:07:54 PM
Ahhh! That's why I couldn't find my post! My mistake.

 Yeah, my email is still the same, permafry_punx at yahoo. That would be cool if you had a copy, but if you don't it's alright.  

 I better head out, gotta solve the worlds problems.. (gf)
CRM32Pro / Blowing up chickens!
13 de Diciembre de 2006, 10:24:02 AM
Ah man it's been so long! So I noticed my old project is actually in the games list under links - The one with the chickens. :) Hehe.

I can't remember why, but for some reason the source and data were all erased.

Now with how proud I was that I made that crazy game, and how much I talked to one of the developers, I wonder if I had sent it to him and if so, if he still has it?? And if he still has it, if he could email it to me??

My memory is pretty vague from that time I was working closely with crm32pro, but I do know it was fun - and I've again picked up the library to create another game!

Plus, If anyone has my game, I want to get it to show it off to my girlie. Yeah I'm full of pride.  :twisted:

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