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English Forum

Iniciado por , 07 de Julio de 2005, 11:16:35 PM

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 Can there be an english forum?


 Ask here in english, the most of us speak english ;)

Drowning deep in my sea of loathing


 Welcome guest, as NeLo said, we'll do our best replying in english where needed  :D  
hat the hells!


 Hello, my name is Victor XDDDD . This is not the best section to ask that question.


 He( or she ) has probably found stratos following some link on C# game development, Hadd appeared son some Microsoft Employee blogs
hat the hells!

Mars Attacks

 My tailor is rich  B)  


 and my mother is in the kitchen, like Toreros Muertos song many years ago...

 Sorry, I would register correctly on the forum had I can read any of it. But I was searching for some decent C# 3d engines, which brought me to Hadd. Theres not quite many C# 3d engines at the moment. And the ones that are available aren't quite as stable or complete as they need to be. The only ones I've found that stable are 3DState and Truevision3d, but both aren't even real .NET based but COM based.  

 Muchas Gracias for making allowances for the international language challenged amongst us and putting up an  English speaking forum...

would it be possible to have the registration in English... when time permits...

THANKS BIG TIME... HAD3 looks verrrrry interesting...

one more quick question... is there any documentation for the engine, and if so, is there a chance that any of it would be in English...

after seeing HAD3 for the first time i have taken a course in Spanish, pero, mi Espanol es muy malo...

Gracias Amigos



 Thanks for your interesting. We are working hard on v2.0 It will be much more stable and powerfull than the first one. But it will not be available until net 2.0 will be full released. So, be patient...


 And we´ll work towards giving info about the engine in english (or in an english as good as we are able to). Greetings!


 Probably you'll be interested about this: , wich is an english version of Haddd 3D engine web. So, if you want anymore thing, only say it.

quot;Solo hay dos cosas infinitas, el universo y la estupidez humana, aunque de lo primero no estoy muy seguro\\\" Einstein


Cita de: "StraT"Probably you'll be interested about this: , wich is an english version of Haddd 3D engine web. So, if you want anymore thing, only say it.

It seems that the "idomout" param is needed.
It should be:
instead of

 Thanks for everything guys. We're all looking forward to the future releases. By the way, the news of HADD3d has been spreading around the english speakin forums. Expect more of us to pop in soon.


And if they know well how to make graphics, really send them this way ;) ...Well, actually I'm speaking too much, dunno if Haddd 3D authors are yet looking for gfx people...(btw I guess they'd expect some skills in that ...But neither I think they'd be too picky... )

[lol, and funny thing is I'm an artist, though I say this...just too overloaded with work, etc, as usual...But this stuff(I think they usually do gfx demos, and where making a small but realistic game) is atractive for gfx ppl wanting to push the limits, is not very common to find an engine so advanced graphically, c sharp or not...]

You're all very welcome. :)

Me paso por aquí de cuando en cuando (1 vez cada 3 o 4 meses) ...así que si no respondo a algo no es por antipático. ;) Posteo, y me acuerdo del foro tres meses después... ;)    :-S

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