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Haddd And C++?

Iniciado por Xpoint, 01 de Febrero de 2006, 01:55:01 PM

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 Hey all!
First of all, engine looks real nice, good job  ;)

Second, is it possible to use this engine in C++? If yes, how?
Since I don't know C# and don't want to learn it. :P

Thanks in advance.


 Thanks a lot for your words... :P

Theorically, all the code written in Managed Code can be used on all the .Net languajes (C++.Net included)

But, i have not tested....Maybe you could be the first one..  ;)

Believe me C# is very very productive. I've programmed a lot witn C++, but i expect do not back to it anymore!!!


 Allready got my first problems, hope you can answer my questions. :)

1. I can't open the project files. Is this because they are made in VS2005?

2. I can't run the demos in the bin directory.. My VS pops up with a debugging window saying an error 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' has occurred.
3. Any idea how to include the engine in a C++ project? I've no idea how this is done in C#, and I don't see any headers/libraries (except for the bin map). I also noticed the C# projects use '..\..\Engine\HadddEngine.csproj', but I can't find that map (maybe it isn't needed, but hey, I can't know that :P ).

Thanks in advance. :)

*EDIT: I started to learn C#! Who knows, maybe I switch over. :P  


 You must use the C# 2005 edition. You can download the free express edition from our downloads section... ;)

Surely you can not run the bins because you have not downloaded the .Net 2.0 or the DX December edition Runtime or SDK...

About using C++, you should download the C++ 2005 Express edition, and simply add the haddd.dll reference. That's it! This is .Net !!!! But i have no idea of working with C++.Net...



I think you won´t be able to use Haddd using C++. You´ll be able to use Haddd if you use C++/CLI (also known as Managed C++ or C++.NET). Those are the .NET versions of C++. If you use that, yes, you´ll be able to use Haddd, but if not I don´t think it´s possible :(

About the projects and so on: you´ll need Visual 2005, .NET Framework 2.0 and DirectX 9.0 December to be able to run them or play with them (Visual Studio for this). Hope it helps.



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