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Tile Based

Iniciado por , 17 de Febrero de 2006, 11:23:16 AM

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I like your library very much.

Exist there any example for the tile engine?


(Sorry my bad englisch)


 Welcome Andreas,

dont worry about your english, I can perfectly understand you :).

Well, many people have requested a Tile's example and I promised them to do that.
For the time being, Im very busy working hard on CRM32Pro v4.80 (very close to its final development!) so if you need a little example, I have included one, but if you are looking for an extensive should wait a few days :).

// Tile definition
CRM32Pro_CTile *tMyTile=new CRM32Pro_CTile;
// Now, you can load from a DPF or to create your tile.
// I advice you to use EditorDPF and load your tiles from it, it is straightforward!.
tMyTile->Load("file.dpf","tile name";
// Set its position
// Now, you can draw it. To draw a normal tile, you have to call Draw() member el
// without parameters. But if you are using tileset, you must to specify desired tile (by position):
// When you have finished with it... delete it:
delete tMyTile;

If you have any other question, let me know.

By the way...what are you developing?


 Thank you very much for your example.

I'm developing a little trade, exploring and strategy game in the space. It is very much
impressed by star control.

For now I'm in the first planing phases.

I think your crm32pro will help me very much time to save time.




 Hola, por fin nos hemos decido a usar este motor.

  Estamos intentando compilar los ejemplos usando DevC++ en Windows pero tenemos dudas. Que pasos hay que seguir?, que cosas hay que tener instaladas?


 Ya esta contestado en el otro thread :)

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