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Iniciado por luckymutt, 26 de Febrero de 2006, 07:22:50 AM

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 I just found the Haddd engine from a post on and I have a couple general questions.

1. About these forums - Is the discussion for the engine only in Stratos AD->Proyectos->MotorC# ?
and the other boards are for other things?

2. About Haddd - how new is this engine?

3. What kind of frame rates can Haddd put out? It depends on the hardware, I know, but maybe someone can post some preformace and their machines specs? Just to get an idea?

A bit about me:
I have been programming with C++ for a few years now, and have recently been checking out C#
Also, for the past year or so, I have been working with the Irrlicht engine, so I am not new to game programming.
Irrlicht has a C# wrapper, but when I saw Haddd being entirely C#, I really want to try it out.

También, puedo aprender quizá mejor Español ;)



Cita de: "luckymutt"1. About these forums - Is the discussion for the engine only in Stratos AD->Proyectos->MotorC# ?
and the other boards are for other things?
That's right, if you have any question about Haddd, you should ask in "Stratos AD->Proyectos->MotorC#".

Cita de: "luckymutt"2. About Haddd - how new is this engine?
We're developing the engine for about a year and a half.

Cita de: "luckymutt"3. What kind of frame rates can Haddd put out? It depends on the hardware, I know, but maybe someone can post some preformace and their machines specs? Just to get an idea?
It's hard to say because we haven't developed any visibility system yet (we're working on it right now) so any scene with a lot of objects, a lot of complex shaders and a lot of lights (that's the main reason) will make the engine go really slow very quickly. So we should wait to finish the visibility system to throw some significant performance tests.

Cita de: "luckymutt"También, puedo aprender quizá mejor Español ;)
Wow, you put tildes too!. :)

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