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CRM32Pro v4.97 - EditorDPF v4.00 - glSDLBenchmark v1.2

Iniciado por TheAzazel, 29 de Diciembre de 2006, 01:35:57 PM

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Muy buenas a todos!
finalmente, tras mucho depurar y corregir mil problemas, he conseguido sacar la nueva version de la libreria.

Mas informacion en:

Siguiendo la tradicion, os comento aqui todos los cambios realizados:

CRM32Pro v4.97 SDK
    · CFont:
      - Added new SetName() member to set a new name for the font.
      - Added new GetName() member to get the current name of the font.
      - Added new SetKerning() member to set the kerning of the font.
      - The format of stored fonts have changed. Load() member will automatically update it.
    · IButton:
      - Added new SetName() member to set a new name for the button.
      - Added new GetName() member to get the current name of the button.
      - Added new GetAlpha() member to get alpha blending information for each button state.
      - Added new GetColorKey() member to get current colorkey value for each button state.
      - SetColorKey() and SetAlpha() now set its values for each button state.
      - Fixed a problem with slider button.
      - Added support for drag and drop to slider button.
      - Improved InputText button.
    · CSprite:
      - Added new GetAnim() member to get the current sprite animation state.
      - Added new GetFrame() member to get the current frame.
      - Added new GetAlpha() member to get alpha blending information.
      - Added new GetColorkey() member to get current colorkey value.
      - Added new GetName() member to get the name of the sprite.
      - Added new SetName() member to set a new name for the sprite.      
      - Removed MoveTo() member and changed SetPosition() member, now it supports a third parameter.
        indicating if you want a smooth movement or not.      
      - Cleaned up all internal members.
      - Fixed several bugs with cloned sprites.
      - Now, it is safe to change the alpha and colorkey properties of cloned sprites.
        Thanks to Saracchini to report it!.
      - Added support for X,Y hotspots per each animation.
      - Added support for a frame interval per each animation.
      - Fixed a minor bug in pingpong animation (last frame was rendered twice). Thanks to Harko to report it!.
      - Fixed a bug using smooth movement when you did not call to SetPosition() each logic frame update.
        Thanks to warwolf to report it!.      
      - The format of stored sprites have changed. Load() member will automatically update it.              
        During the update, if colorkey was set to 0, in the new version will set to -1.
      - Improved sprite documentation.
    · CTile:
      - Added new GetAlpha() member to get alpha blending information.
      - Added new SetName() member to set a new name for the tile.
      - Added new GetColorKey() member to get current colorkey value.
      - Member GetOffset() has changed to GetOffset(int *x,int *y).
      - Independent X and Y offsets.
      - The format of stored tiles have changed. Load() member will automatically update it.              
        During the update, if colorkey was set to 0, in the new version will set to -1.
    · ITimeSystem: added a new warning message when CRM32Pro.Update() is used without to initialize ITimeSystem.
    · ICursor: added new SetPosition() member to set a new cursor position.
    · INetwork:
      - Fixed a bug in INetwork->CreateServer(). Thanks to Warchief to report it!.
      - Improved and safer way to close the network system. Thanks to Warchief to report it!.
      - Added new SetTimeOut() member to set the connection time out before to return with an error.
    · IStuffDPF:
      - Fixed a critical bug on IStuffDPF affecting only to Linux library version.
      - Delete() method do not modify input parameter anymore.
    · Main interface:
      - Fixed a bug in CRM32Pro.Update() when ITimeSystem was not initialized.
      - Fixed a couple of minor bugs in the XML parser.
      - CRM32Pro.SetVideoMode() will log a warning message when the set video will be different to the requested one.
      - Added new XMLCreate() member to create a new and empty XML document.      
    · The semantics of colorkey on all classes and interfaces, has changed to:
      - Before: the value of 0 disabled it.
      - Now: -1 to disable it, but 0 will keep it enabled!.
    · Improved error handling across CSprite,ICursor,CFont,CTile and IButton.          
    · Improved alpha blending documentation and functionality.
    · Improved colorkey documentation and functionality.
    · Removed two little memory leaks in CRM32Pro.
    · Removed a few memory leaks in SDL.
    · Updated to TinyXML 2.5.2 to fix some bugs on XML file parsing.

EditorDPF v4.00
 · Fonts:
   - It automatically updates old fonts v1.0 to new v2.0.
   - It supports a new feature: kerning.
 · Sprites:
   - It can manage sprites with a maximum of 128 animations with 128 frames each one.
   - It automatically updates old sprites v1.0 to new v2.0.
   - It supports new features: hotspots and frames interval per each animation.
 · IButton:
   - Each button state can have its colorkey.
   - The range and default value of slider buttons now is displayed on an user friendly way.
 · Tiles:
   - It automatically updates old tiles v1.0 to new v2.0.
   - It supports a new feature: independent X(width) and Y(height) offset values.
   - Show a grid to see each tile on the tileset.
 · The colorkey is specified using individual RGB values on all affected tabs.
 · The semantics of colorkey have changed:
   - Before: the value of 0 disabled it.
   - Now: -1 to disable it, but 0 will keep it enabled!.
 · Added a new datablocks checking with autorecovery feature.
 · Removed a memory leak on each tab at closing time.
 · Linked with CRM32Pro v4.97.

glSDLBenchmark v1.2
 · Fixed a wrong output message.
 · Added windib backend to the benchmarks.

Ahora, hare un alto en la integracion final de glSDL(ya lo teneis disponible de forma experimental en la version de visual studio) para dedicarme al proyecto PKM06(que habra que ir cambiando el 6 por un 7 jeje) y a terminar el Titanbomber que esta casi casi y ya veremos si algun grafista mejora sus, hasta el momento, terribles graficos jejeje.

Por el momento, esto es todo, solo desearos un Feliz Año Nuevo!!!  :D


Que mejor manera de empezar el año que con una nueva version de la libreria, y justamente ahora que empiezo a tener un poco mas de tiempo libre :D

Cita de: "TheAzazel"
      - Fixed a minor bug in pingpong animation (last frame was rendered twice). Thanks to Harko to report it!.

Hey, soy famoso jajaja.

Muchas gracias Azazel, que pases un buen año!!

-=Harko´s Blog=-
Fui el primer civil en probar el "Lord of Creatures" y ademas usaban mis cascos. :D


Alguno de mis juegos:
-=Feed The Frog=-



Bieeen por fin sacaste la versióooon! :p En serio, enhorabuena, que sabemos la currada que te has tenido que meter para terminarla  ;)

Un saludo!



Bien por Az, como siempre ;)

Cita de: "Harko"
Hey, soy famoso jajaja.
Citar- Fixed a bug in INetwork->CreateServer(). Thanks to Warchief to report it!.
- Improved and safer way to close the network system. Thanks to Warchief to report it!.
Muhahah, yo el doble que tú.


Muchas gracias a todos :)

que menos que poneros como los descubridores del bug no? jejeje

pues si Vicente, esta version de me atraganto porque se mezclo con muchas otras movidas pero tenia que liberarlo antes de fin de año para vivir y empezar mas tranquilo éste jeje



Madre!!, le explotais, si es que...esto no puede ser bueno....
..MAKE UP & FX...

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