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¿es neo el elegido?

Iniciado por seryu, 25 de Mayo de 2003, 11:34:27 PM

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Forum Master

                                Yo hay una cosa que no acabo de entender........

Neo, Morpheus y Llaveroman llegan al edificio bomba con miles de puertas (tambien llamado servidor central de matrix :)) al pobre Llaveroman le matan al cerrar la puerta, luego quedan Morpheus y Neo dentro... entonces Neo coge la llavecita y se larga. Y mi pregunta es... si tienen tan poco tiempo para entrar en esa puerta porque luego explota todo... Morpheus petaria junto con todo no???????? Pues entonces que me expliquen como hizo para salir del edificio!!! El verdadero elegido es Morpheus hombre... :D si no como hizo eso ¿?

Y el guion ese si que tiene que ser fake porque leyendo por encima he leido cosas que o me dormi en la peli o no eran asi xDDDD Dice por ahi que el tiempo se para... algo asi como que alguien pulsa PAUSE en Matrix xDDD                                


                                La conversación de Neo con el arquitecto es larga, yo creo que a Morpheo le da tiempo a buscar una salida (teléfono).

Drowning deep in my sea of loathing

Forum Master

                                Ya pero no se supone que se trata de que son puertas a otros sitios, es decir, tu pasas la puerta y apareces en otro lugar distinto... vamos que la oficina del arquitecto no esta en ese edificio.

Entonces si Neo entra en la puerta todo sigue su curso normal y el edificio explota.... yo considero que cuando entra a hablar con el arquitecto Matrix se detiene mientras ellos dos hablan... y para cuando termina de hablar con el arquitecto Neo vuelve al mismo punto del que entro

Pero en ambos casos Morpheus me parece a mi que deberia palmarla.

Y encontrar telefonos eso es la leche porque las lineas seguras siempre estan a tomar por saco de donde van xDDD                                


                                Yo creo q las puertas, por sí solas, a donde llevan es al propio edificio. Cuando te llevan a otro sitio, es porque utilizas backdoors.

Nuse :-?

Drowning deep in my sea of loathing


ues entonces que me expliquen como hizo para salir del edificio!!! El verdadero elegido es Morpheus hombre...  si no como hizo eso ¿?

Antes de morir el Key Maker, les dice algo asi como, Esa puerta te sacara de aqui (A morpheus), y tu sabras cuando la veas(A Neo).

Es decir Morpeus si sale del edificio.

Toda la pelicula va muy rapido, es una peli que hay que ver dos o tres veces. Por ejemplo, ¿alguien se dio cuenta de quienes eran "Hombres lovo" en la pelicula?

Tambien Sale Buch por ahi.                                


Citar¿alguien se dio cuenta de quienes eran "Hombres lovo" en la pelicula?
pos el que se carga Persephone, igual que los gemelos son fantasmas :P                                
Manuel F. Lara
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¿alguien se dio cuenta de quienes eran "Hombres lovo" en la pelicula?

Tambien Sale Buch por ahi.

¿A qué te refieres?                                
Drowning deep in my sea of loathing


                                Pues si, va rapida. Creo que es la unica pelicula de la que vale la pena leerse primero todos los spoilers que uno tenga a mano para pisparse de algo.

Por cierto que espero que los fans de la danza disfruten de las peleas porque a mi se me hicieron largas. Yo con unas tijeras hacia la pelicula 8 veces mejor.                                


                                Muy buen texto la conversacion, no tiene desperdicio.

Yo creo q el arquitecto quiere irse de vacaciones y no tiene ganas de antes de hacer eso cargarse otra vez Zion... tiene q ser un coñazo la verdad, y NEO lo hace de puta madre, lo amenaza diciendole "no me tokes las pelotas pq cm te vuelva a ver hago el panytallazo y se peta todo" tonces el arquitecto se caga pq no habia guardado los cambios de su codigo de matrix, lo cual es una putada, te pegas años programando para q ahora pege un petardazo el SO :D                                


                                los gemelos mejores que los agentes? no lo creo, ahora mismo os explico:

·Los agentes pueden tomar en cualquier momento el cuerpo de una persona dentro de matrix, lo que les permite ir al instate a cualquier punto. Los gemelos tienen que desplazarse.

·Cuando matas a un agente, solo acabas con el cuerpo. Otro agente se cargara en otro cuerpo y vuelta a empezar. Los gemelos pueden regerarse solo cuando son transparentes, y esto les da una autonomia que no conviene a matrix, los agentes estan mas supeditados al programa, que es algo necesario para evitar que se escapen y hagan lo que no deberian.

he estado dando vueltas a muchos temas de matrix y la verdad que cuanto mas lo razonas mas sentido tiene todo..                                


                                this was written by a Benjamin Casper, APPERANTLY, connected to the films/W Brothers. It sums up the complete story and not yet shown facts, up until the end of Reloaded.

A human Designer created AI (artificial intelligence) without the programming instructions to compute pi (3.14). This was done as a safety measure (anomaly) to ensure human survival over the AI. The anomaly and the solution for it are present in the AI and inherited by everything they create. They are, however, unaware of it and would be unable to comprehend it even if they were aware (see notes-A).

The AI seize control of the planet. They place humans into pods as a new fuel source.

The AI create the program, Architect, to design the Matrix. He is the representation of the Designer. The Architect naturally also doesn't comprehend that he contains both the anomaly and the solution for it, they having been passed on to him by his AI creators. The Architect designs the first Matrix. In his mathematical computations, it is the vision of perfection. The anomaly and the solution that were sown by the Designer, were imprinted into the Matrix coding language. The first Matrix crashed. Being the humble program that he is, the Architect said the fault lies within the humans. "I gave them too perfect of a Matrix. I will design them a version based on the 'varying grotesqueries' of their nature." It also crashes, he thinks because he has based it on our "imperfection." He is logical and wants to solve the problem, as he is the caretaker.

An intuitive program, Oracle, was called upon to investigate the problem. The Oracle, being an intuitive program, discovers that the anomaly does not lie within the humans, but within the AI language itself. She realizes the anomaly is in everything the AI has created including the Architect. She also realizes that it is unadvisable to tell the Architect, because he would be unable to comprehend this explanation and this would cause the Matrix to crash.
She informs the Architect that he needs to create a Matrix with choice, and allows him to think it is the humans with the anomaly (see notes-B). She knows that this will create Zion, which she will need. The AI implant a seed of truth in the minds of the humans in the pods, "...a splinter in your mind." For some, "...driving you mad...," they require the exit option (red pill/blue pill). Those who don't accept the reality that is given to them are flushed out of the Matrix and are allowed to form Zion.

Enter, "the One". The Oracle convinces the Architect to inform the AI that they must recreate the Designer from the genetic level (human being), who is fated to be the One. The Designer created AI in a structure that only he could access and reload. Herein lies the need for the One to reset the anomaly to the default computation.

So the newly created version of the Matrix is calculated, also based on recent human history. At the necessary time in the Matrix, the future One is designed and born. He becomes a computer programmer and designs artificial intelligence. Being the creator of artificial intelligence in the Matrix environment, he contains the solution, the anomaly, and the reload code that serves as a bridge between them (symbolic key). At that point he is contacted by Zion Freedom Fighters who were sent by the Oracle. They free him because allowing him to stay will cause a cascading loop. The Freedom Fighters take him to Zion where he is trained. The Freedom Fighters are contacted by the Oracle to bring him to her. She sets him on the path of becoming the One.

At some point the future One has to die in the Matrix. It's at this moment that the Matrix sends the future One the unbalanced equation (anomaly), and only the future One will respond with pi (3.14), which opens a symbolic window. The Matrix reloads the future One, which transforms him into the reload code, 101. Now he knows he is the One, because he can see the Matrix encoding. He is the one needed to reload the Matrix, as he has become one with the code.

The One returns to Zion until the Oracle contacts him. He follows her instructions to the Source, where he disseminates the 101 code or reload code. The Matrix is reloaded and the artificial intelligence program that the One has created within the Matrix is deleted, thereby eliminating the chance of a cascading loop. The anomaly resets to the beginning, Zion is destroyed, and the One rebuilds Zion as instructed by the Architect. This cycle repeats five times in this manner.

Then Neo is born into the Matrix. He's genetically engineered to be the One, version six. He is freed from the Matrix and taken into the Nebuchadnezzar (hovercraft). Events occur as with the previous versions of the Ones- but for Neo its going to be different. This time the Oracle has decided the Matrix will not be reloaded. She accomplishes this by telling Trinity that she will fall in love with the One and Morpheus that he will find the One.

As usual the security protocol Agents are called upon to protect the Matrix and the Source from all. They fight Neo and kill him as with the previous Ones. This time while the question is being asked and the reply given, Trinity kisses him and cements their attachment of love. He is reloaded with the code as before, arises, and knows he's the One. With his new powers he now fights Agent Smith effortlessly and enters him. This corrupts Agent Smith causing a failure to his program.

Now the sixth destruction of Zion is in progress. The Freedom Fighters of Zion meet to discuss how to prevent it. Smith comes to inform Neo that he has set Smith free. They return to Zion leaving a ship behind to await communication from the Oracle. Smith, no longer an agent of the system, replicates himself into Bane and enters Zion. Neo receives his instructions from the Oracle and goes to meet her. Neo enters a room and encounters Seraph, the Oracle's protector, who confirms that Neo is the One and takes him to the Oracle. She was late in communicating with Neo because dangerous programs are searching for her, including Smith, who wants, "everything." She had also been inquiring about the missing Keymaker who Neo will need to get to the Source. On the surface the Oracle is fulfilling her usual role, her purpose, so as not to be deleted. She's saying and doing what she's always said and done, except for subtly pulling information out of Neo. She wants to know if Neo sees Trinity die after he enters the Door of Light in his dream (the Oracle can not see past this door). He did not. The Oracle now knows that Neo will choose to save Trinity instead of reloading the Matrix. She has succeeded!! She says no more about this and proceeds to tell Neo where the Keymaker is. She hands Neo instructions for a place and time to meet the Merovingian who has abducted the Keymaker.

The Oracle makes a hasty exit, as Smith is approaching. Smith wants revenge. He wants to take from Neo what was stolen from him, purpose. Neo learns that Smith has replicated himself many times, and he tries to replicate himself into Neo but fails. Smith has an arduous time trying to beat Neo, so Smith recruits more replications. Neo reaches a point where there are too many Smiths to fight and feels compelled to leave.

Neo exits the Matrix and returns to the Nebuchadnezzar where he assembles the crew to go visit the Merovingian and obtain the Keymaker. Then Neo and the crew enter the Matrix once again. They follow the Oracle's instructions and journey to the Merovingian. They speak with him and he declines to hand over the Keymaker. As they are leaving without the Keymaker, the elevator door opens on a different floor, and there stands the Merovingian's wife, Persephone. She offers to give them the Keymaker in exchange for a kiss from Neo. He kisses her and she leads them to the Keymaker. The Keymaker states, "I have been waiting for you," and starts to leave with them. As the Merovingian returns to see what Persephone has done, a fight ensues. Morpheus and Trinity escape with the Keymaker in tow. Neo is forced to fly to the center of the city to save Morpheus and the Keymaker from Agents. They meet with other Freedom Fighters in the Matrix, close to the Source, and the Keymaker instructs them on how to gain entry to the Source.

The Freedom Fighters follow the Keymaker's instructions. Neo, Morpheus, and the Keymaker find themselves in a hallway where they run into replicated Smiths. A fight occurs and during the 314 seconds when the symbolic window is open, the Keymaker opens the door. Neo enters and stands before the Door of Light. He inserts his key, which was given to him by the Keymaker and is instantly transported to the Architect.

Neo stands before the Architect who proceeds to ramble on about the imperfection of humanity and his own perfection. He tells Neo that Trinity has entered the Matrix to sacrifice her life to save Neo's life. Then he gives Neo the choice between two doors. The first door leads to, "the Source and the salvation of Zion" (meaning Neo will have to rebuild it). The Matrix is reloaded and the anomaly is reset to the default computation. This is the door chosen by all of the previous Ones. The second door leads "back to the Matrix, to her (to Trinity and the chance to save her), and to the end of your species," as not reloading the Matrix will crash the system, killing not only Zion but also the humans living in the Matrix.

As a non-intuitive program, the Architect is distanced from the outcome. However he makes one more attempt to influence Neo to reload the Matrix, as the Architect is designed to sustain the Matrix. Neo exits through the second door and tries to save Trinity's life. He arrests her plummet toward the ground to no avail. She dies from a gunshot wound inflicted by the Agents, however, Neo resuscitates Trinity by infusing her with the reload code.

Neo and Trinity exit the Matrix and return to the Nebuchadnezzar. Neo informs Morpheus that Zion will be destroyed in 24 hours and that the Oracle's prophecy was a lie. "The one was never meant to end anything. It was just another system of control." The sentinels destroy the Nebuchadnezzar, but as the crew flees Neo exclaims, "Something's different. I can feel them." He turns to face the sentinels, extends his arm, and releases a pulse of energy destroying them. Neo collapses and falls into a coma. A hovercraft rescues them and then we see Neo and Bane (Smith replication) lying on two separate gurneys in the medical bay, as Bane is in a coma also.




An electronic device can contain a question and an answer, and not be able to bridge the two without a key or a password. For example, an electronic lock contains the password 1138 (solution). It also contains the question allowing you to type in the password (solution). Due to its parameters it is unable to bridge the question and the password (solution), even though it contains both. It requires someone to introduce the password (solution). This acts as the bridge between the two.


This is the issue the Oracle is having with the Architect:

Example: Imagine you are at work. Your boss comes in and tells you to solve a problem. You find out your boss is wrong about the source of the problem but you cannot tell him he is wrong. You are forced to solve the problem anyway. What's worse, you still need your boss's help to solve the problem.

The Oracle needs to find a way to fix the Matrix anomaly for the Architect. She believes that the AI have this anomaly also. She must use the AI to begin the process, while allowing the Architect to believe they are fixing a human anomaly. Therefore the Oracle allows the Architect to believe the anomaly is in the humans and that they are rejecting the Matrix. She allows him to believe that the humans are causing the unbalanced equation (anomaly).

Example: Your problem is how do you get your boss to help you to solve the problem when you can't tell him the true source of the problem. The only solution is to make him believe that what he is doing is solving the problem the way he sees it. When, actually, what he is doing is solving the true problem and he never knows it.

The Oracle tells the Architect she requires a One (the Designer) in flesh and blood form to correct the anomaly. Simulations will not work in this instance. She requires Zion to be created to remove the One from the Matrix and to train him. She tells the Architect that to fix the "human" anomaly, he needs to give the humans the illusion of choice. So a, "splinter in your mind," of "something wrong with the world," is implanted into the minds of the humans on a, "near unconscious level." She tells him this will lessen the pace of the anomaly growth but this is a lie.

The Oracle tells the Architect that some will still not accept the Matrix and to release them, not to kill them because she needs them for Zion (which she covertly stays in contact with once it is formed). She emphasizes to the Architect that the AI need to create the flesh and blood One to reload the Matrix (to correct the supposed human-caused unbalanced equation).

The Architect believes this reloading is fixing the human-caused
anomaly. It is actually fixing the anomaly injected by the AI when the Matrix was constructed.                                


                                Ya vi la pelicula :D !!! WOOWWW y NEO es el elegido hasta fuera de matrix O_o !! toma parando los calamares con la mano FUERA(pero estara fuera realmente o es una ilusion creada por matrix? JOL xDDDD)                                

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