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Temas - TheWind

General / Para Los Drm-cegatos
22 de Noviembre de 2005, 12:45:57 PM
 En fin, como el DRM es tan bueno y tan maravilloso, creo que no os importara leer esto:

"In a press conference held on Nov 18 Cary Sherman, the president of the RIAA, stated in reference to Sony BMG's "rootkit" software that "there is nothing unusual about technology being used to protect intellectual property." According to Sherman, the problem with Sony BMG's XCP DRM software was simply that "the technology they used contained a security vulnerability of which they were unaware". He goes on to praise Sony's "responsible" attitude in handling the problem, saying "how many times that software applications created the same problem? Lots. I wonder whether they've taken as aggressive steps as SonyBMG has when those vulnerabilities were discovered, or did they just post a patch on the Internet?""

Off-topic / Felicidades Josepzkin!
28 de Julio de 2005, 06:18:13 PM
 Muchas felicidades !!!

28-J RULES!!
General / Programacion Para Gameboy Advance
23 de Octubre de 2004, 11:02:12 AM
 Ultimamente me ha picado el gusanillo de la progranmacion para la Gameboy Advance, alguien tiene enlaces para iniciarse en el tema? -hardware necesario, etc..-

General / En 8 Días....
16 de Septiembre de 2003, 01:39:47 AM
 Se vota de nuevo -salvo nuevo aplazamiento- la directiva europea sobre patentes. Sumaos a las protestas!

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Muchísimas gracias.